
Archive for July, 2008

It was one of those days. The offices were dead and Dr.Andy and I were watching the paint dry and wondering why IN TEENAGE AND BABY JESUS’ NAME IS IT SO FREAKIN’ SLOW! We tried blaming the economy,we tried blaming the weather, we cursed both John McCain and Mother Theresa! When we realized that Mother Theresa was dead and Senator McCain was really,really old – we knew we had slipped into the nasty galaxy called “negativity”. We put down our breakfast of Hostess Ding Dongs and vodka,prayed to both Saint Theresa and Saint McCain, got into an “attitude of gratitude” and started typing…

Positive Thoughts……Do you think the glass is half full or half empty? Is the world out to get you or do you view every issue as a way to learn and grow from your experiences? Are you waiting for the other shoe to drop instead of looking at the silver lining of that cloud?

The purpose of this post is to make you think about how you think. Most of us go through the day on autopilot and do not know what we are really thinking and how it is affecting us physically. When you have a thought, your brain releases chemicals that will go to your cells and elicit a response that can alter the actual physiology which in turn can be either harmful or helpful. When you get angry or have a negative thought, it alters the overall physiology of you. This could become a stress response, result in depression, and various health problems. There have been recent studies that show that about 80% or more of all ailments and diseases are stress related.

When you are in a positive frame of mind, you release chemical messengers into the bloodstream that signals the cells to go into a state of growth and repair. The body is in a state of de-stress so to speak.

If you are out there and you are a happy-go-lucky, roll off your back kind of guy or gal, then great! If not, how are we going to change this? I suggest a few options:

  • Find an outlet, this could be exercising, meditation, yoga, counseling, finding a hobby, anything to provide a way to channel any negative thoughts into positive energy
  • Be more conscious of your surroundings, learn what triggers you to have negative thoughts- is it a co-worker? spouse? sibling? job?
  • Be positive! Don’t let things get to you. Try to cut off the negativity before it starts. Try to look at things from a different perspective or angle. You are already taking the wrong look at things, why not the 180 degree angle from that?
  • Hostess Ding Dongs,Scrapple and Mountain Dew… just wanted make sure you were paying attention! No one should use these three items in combination without the supervision of a licensed practioner.

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