
Archive for June, 2009

I know so many people who think they can do it alone090531_healthcare_ap_297

They isolate their heads and stay in their safety zones

Now what can you tell them

And what can you say that won’t make them defensive?

“I Know There’s an Answer” – The Beach Boys

Health care reform is in trouble in the Senate.

Conservatives in Congress, including some Democrats, are trying to kill Obama’s public health insurance option not by opposing it outright, but by pushing weak half-measures and calling them “public plans.”1 The latest is a proposal for small, regional “co-ops” that would have no chance of competing against insurance companies to bring costs down.2

If we act immediately, we have a good shot at defeating ploys like the “co-op.” The key is to make it clear that we support a strong public health insurance option and lay out exactly what that means.obama_health_090605_mn

Click below and we’ll fax a flier in your name (for free!) to Sens. Casey and Specter that sets the bar for a strong public health insurance option. Faxes come directly into the office, so staffers are guaranteed to see them. And if enough of us send faxes, staffers will pass the flier on to their senator.


It’s up to us to remind our senators that an overwhelming majority of Americans—83%—supports a public health insurance option,3 and that weak half-measures like the “co-op” plan are no substitute for real reform.

The flier says: “A strong public health insurance option must be part of health care reform this year,” and outlines key criteria that a plan must be based upon:

* Available to all of us: A strong public health insurance option should be available to anyone who chooses to participate. If you like your current plan, you can keep it; if you want to participate in the public health insurance plan, you can choose that.

* A national plan with real bargaining clout: In order to truly control costs and compete with private health insurance plans, a strong public health insurance option must be available nationwide.

* Ready on day one: Every day we wait on real reform, health care costs continue to rise. A strong public health insurance option with a broad network of providers right out of the gate is key to building a competitive program that will help control costs.

* A truly public plan: To ensure it’s held to the highest standards of accountability, a public health insurance option must be truly publicly run—accountable and transparent to Congress and to voters.

If thousands of us send faxes to Senate offices this week, we can make sure that message is heard loud and clear. Can you fax Sens. Casey and Specter today? Click below and we’ll send one for you:


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I know so many people who think they can do it alone090531_healthcare_ap_297

They isolate their heads and stay in their safety zones

Now what can you tell them

And what can you say that won’t make them defensive?

“I Know There’s an Answer” – The Beach Boys

Health care reform is in trouble in the Senate.

Conservatives in Congress, including some Democrats, are trying to kill Obama’s public health insurance option not by opposing it outright, but by pushing weak half-measures and calling them “public plans.”1 The latest is a proposal for small, regional “co-ops” that would have no chance of competing against insurance companies to bring costs down.2

If we act immediately, we have a good shot at defeating ploys like the “co-op.” The key is to make it clear that we support a strong public health insurance option and lay out exactly what that means.obama_health_090605_mn

Click below and we’ll fax a flier in your name (for free!) to Sens. Casey and Specter that sets the bar for a strong public health insurance option. Faxes come directly into the office, so staffers are guaranteed to see them. And if enough of us send faxes, staffers will pass the flier on to their senator.


It’s up to us to remind our senators that an overwhelming majority of Americans—83%—supports a public health insurance option,3 and that weak half-measures like the “co-op” plan are no substitute for real reform.

The flier says: “A strong public health insurance option must be part of health care reform this year,” and outlines key criteria that a plan must be based upon:

* Available to all of us: A strong public health insurance option should be available to anyone who chooses to participate. If you like your current plan, you can keep it; if you want to participate in the public health insurance plan, you can choose that.

* A national plan with real bargaining clout: In order to truly control costs and compete with private health insurance plans, a strong public health insurance option must be available nationwide.

* Ready on day one: Every day we wait on real reform, health care costs continue to rise. A strong public health insurance option with a broad network of providers right out of the gate is key to building a competitive program that will help control costs.

* A truly public plan: To ensure it’s held to the highest standards of accountability, a public health insurance option must be truly publicly run—accountable and transparent to Congress and to voters.

If thousands of us send faxes to Senate offices this week, we can make sure that message is heard loud and clear. Can you fax Sens. Casey and Specter today? Click below and we’ll send one for you:


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Key leaders in Washington are now saying that any health care reform will—and must—include a public health insurance option.1,2Perry White

The big challenge now? Opponents of reform are trotting out weak half-measures and calling them “public plans,”3 with the goal of leaving us with a public health insurance option in name only. The latest is a proposal for “co-ops”—small, regional insurers that would be too weak to bring costs down or compete with existing private insurance.4

We have to push back right away and with a clear message: Americans demand a strong public health insurance option, one that is available to everyone, national in scope with real bargaining clout, ready to go on day one, and truly public.

Can you write a letter to the editor about how important it is to include a strong public health insurance option in reform this year? Our tool makes writing a letter really simple. You can send the letter right from our website—it only takes a few minutes:


If you’ve never written a letter to the editor before, now is the time to send your first. The letters page is one of the most widely read—and most important—in local newspapers. Members of Congress and their staffs read it to understand how their constituents are feeling. And the media read it as feedback on their coverage.3

Here are a few key points for your letter on what a strong public health insurance option should look like:

* Available to all of us: A strong public health insurance option should be available to anyone who chooses to participate. If you like your current plan, you can keep it; if you want to participate in the public health insurance plan, you can choose to do so.

* A national plan with real bargaining clout: In order to truly control costs and compete with private health insurance plans, a strong public health insurance option must be available nationwide.

* Ready on day one: Every day we wait on real reform, health care costs continue to rise. A strong public health insurance option right out of the gate is key to building a competitive program that will help control costs.

* A truly public plan: To ensure it’s held to the highest standards of accountability, a public health insurance option must be truly publicly run—accountable and transparent to Congress and to voters.

A robust public health insurance option is the linchpin of real reform that will help bring costs down and provide coverage for all Americans. If thousands of us write to our local papers, we can make sure our representatives in Washington understand how crucial it is to voters like us. Please click here to get started:



1. “Pelosi: Health Care Reform Can’t Pass Without Public Option,” The Huffington Post, June 11, 2009.


2. “CONFIRMED: Kennedy Bill Will Have Public Health Insurance Option,” Health Care for America Now, June 9, 2009.


3. “Co-op compromise gives White House a health option,” The Associated Press, June 14, 2009.


4.”A Co-Op for the Public Option? Let’s Talk Principles,” The Now! Blog, June 12, 2009.


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I guess you all know it’s been a long, long time
Since the days of turnin’ water to wine
Things ain’t easy, but they always improve
When you go and get your poor old body to move

“He Couldn’t Get His Poor Ol’ Body to Move”- Brian Wilson

Many people say they love to network. Many folks would love to exchange ideas. So it was great to really meet someone who is a prime example of both.

I recently did a seminar with Corey and Dr Fetterman of  Creative Chiropractic Solutions. Afterwords, myself , Corey and the rest of the Creative Chiro staff got together for a brainstorming lunch. I wish I could do this every week!

When talking to Corey I was amazed at his dedication and intent. His willingness to share these qualities with others was impressive. His ability to motivate others transcends his fitness practice. He truly believes “if there is a will there is a way”.

Oh, by the way…He is a kick-ass Fitness Motivator. I use the word Motivator because only a motivator can bring you to the abyss of change and show you how to fly. n1570263714_133721_6049

Corey’s service, TRAIN WITH COREY provides full service personal training for a wide variety of clients. From brides toning up for a wedding, to those who play high school and amateur sports, to older adults trying to stay fit.Whether you want to focus on weightlifting, weight loss, strength training, cardio, core development, or sports-specific training this staff  has the knowledge, resources and commitment to help you reach your goals.

He is a little sneaky. He has a secret weapon.

Corey finds what motivates you. Your success is what motivates him.

Thanks Corey, it was great meeting you and I can’t wait to see where your intention takes you!


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