
Archive for the ‘1’ Category

I am that, thou art that, and all this is thatjoe-lobrutto
I am that, thou art that, all this is that
I am that, thou art that, all this is that
This is that

Daybreak and I take a glide
Into the pool of peace inside
(Two waves travel by)
To waves and I both travel by
(And that makes all the difference to me

“All This is That” – the Beach Boys

I’ve never met Joe LoBrutto Psychic Medium in person. A year ago, something told me I may be crossing paths with him and to be ready. So I got my baseball bat and waited. Then I realized that voice inside my head was telling that this was a good man and not to be frightened. Soon I would start to see his name at random events and times. The voices again were telling me to reach out to him, that he was on to something.  Big.  I went by his website and left a comment.

Since then, we have spoken many times and I have even been on his radio show.  It was great meeting and talking with another male intuitive, especially one with his heart in the heavens and his butt on the ground.

Joe said he had a book coming out and he would send me one.

I just received  “Is There More to Life Than What We Know?”. This book is more than a “How to”  (although there are excellent tips and exercises to improve intuition). The writings  are a platform for Joe’s ” Spirit Guides” to bring messages of hope and peace in a way that’s  beautifully easy to understand.


The world is changing and the story of this book is how to best prepare for the earthly and spiritual events ahead. These guides (my favorite is the humorous ,Celtic spirit named Patrick who teaches that laughter raises our vibrations) give us insight to heaven, life after death, angels, extraterrestrials, and Jesus. There is no doubt that LoBrutto has tapped into guidance greater than himself  and does a great job of  showing us the ups and downs of finding that guidance. The book is an enjoyable read…kind of like riding in the car with a friend while he tells stories of places you’ve never been and can’t wait to get there!

Thanks again Joe for my signed copy of the book. It now serves as an educational tome that I utilize with my clients. The book reminds me of how important trust is in this line of  work. I’m learning to trust my guides much more these days….

The book is available at Amazon.com

Here is a rare video of Joe in action…

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You know,you know you are
Be still and know you are
Your life is meant for joy
It’s all so deep within, oh

Your life is beautiful
A seed becomes a tree
A mountain into a sky
This life is meant to be, oh

“Be Still” – The Beach Boys

I don’t know about you, but when things aren’t going my way I try everything in my arsenal of self help; mantras, books, meditations, and affirmations. Usually they work, when they don’t I want to slam my forehead into my well used copy of the “The Secret.” It doesn’t occur to me that patience with myself is one of the most efficient paths to stress reduction that I know.

I am one of those people that believes that coming up with solutions is better than complaining and whining any time. My problem is that I don’t suffer well. I expect solutions to come instantaneously and the problem with that is I am really not listening.

God has a great way of answering questions, it is pretty simplistic. Yes, no, and wait. The last part is the toughest because it requires faith. Thinking positively is pretty useless without faith. My dog Angel has plenty of faith, she knows that when you say “treat” we’re going to give her a little snack. She doesn’t worry about what kind of snack or if it is a big enough snack. Me on the other hand, worries how many snacks, will I get enough snacks, and if they are organic. All that worrying has gotten me nowhere. My stepdaughter also has non-complicated tools for dealing with this type of stress, it is called play. Kids can find joy in staring at a bug, coloring a picture, or singing to themselves. In these moments Cassandra is the perfect picture of self-awareness and joy.

So for today, I think I will go have a snack and sing to myself ( I don’t care if the snack is organic).

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“Now is the time life begins
Take that simple path
And love will set you free
Live in harmony
And love will set you free”- “Be Still” -Dennis Wilson

What are Chakra’s? Chakra’s are energy centers that we have all over and around our bodies. They are spinning wheels that keep our center’s open and our energy flowing. This keeps us balanced and healthy. When our chakra’s are off- balanced or blocked we can have problems is our life. To keep it simple: we have seven main chakra’s on our physical body.

The 1st is our base chakra. It’s color is red and it represents  our physical world, our personality, self expression, security and survival. The 2nd is our Sacral Chakra. It’s color is orange and it represents sexual energy, creative and pure emotions, feelings. The 3rd is our Solar Plexus Chakra. It’s color is Yellow and it represents wishes, desires, this is where our personality is formed. This is also where the bridge between our higher and lower aspects of ourselves meet. The 4th is our Heart Chakra. It’s color is green and it represents our ability to love, and have an appreciation of art or music.This is also where healing is done. Our heart is the center of our body. It also is the 1st Spiritual Chakra. The 5th is our Throat Chakra. It’s color is blue and it represents our expression of laughter, speech, weeping. All sounds on both the physical and metaphysical levels. It allows us to express emotions and feelings. The 6th Chakra is our Third Eye. It’s color is Indigo and it connects us to Spirit and other worlds. It is God intuition. The 7th is our Crown Chakra. It’s color is Violet, White, Gold and it represents our connections to the Universe. It gives us guidance and knowledge beyond words or intellect.

What I am working to do is connecting and aligning our Chakra’s so that we can tap into our Divine Purpose and Guidance. That is why I try to incorporate Chakra balancing in my practice. This helps us understand our minds, our bodies and our souls. Eastern cultures treat our Spiritual body with our Physical body in the healing of illness and the Ancients treated our Spiritual body before the Physical body.  I just feel that illness and dis-ease starts as an emotion that can be address before we get sick. Use your inner guidance and see if this rings true for you.

Many Thanks To Geri Massott for writing this post …Geri and Rick Wood have joined forces and are opening The Wood Massott Holistic Center in June.

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1287777170_ceef0d8d58_oAmericans spend more on health care than people do elsewhere, but somehow we spend more for less.

Most of us have no clue about the actual cost of our medical care until the bills arrive, because hospitals and doctors don’t publish their charges. The cost of insurance goes up and up, with fewer services covered. Millions of Americans needlessly suffer or die from preventable medical errors and infections.

It doesn’t have to be this way. Costs can come down and quality can improve if we stop letting the insurance companies run the show, make billing clear and simple, and focus on prevention and managing chronic illness better.

You can make a difference by taking our pledge and joining our effort to make health care a top priority for our nation’s leaders.

I want to join with other Americans to support action, answers and accountability. It is time to:

* * Give my family security that we will have quality care when we need it at a cost we can afford;
* * Make hospitals and doctors more transparent about the cost and quality of care they offer;225px-Unclesam_comics
* * Eliminate unnecessary bureaucracy between patients and the care they need;
* * End long waits for care;
* * Examine all solutions that will ensure all Americans access to quality, affordable care, with input from real people like me.

Sign the pledge here


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‘I was lyin’ in my room and the news came on t.v.superman2
A lotta people out there hurtin’ and it really scares me

Hey love and mercy that’s what you need tonight
So, love and mercy to you and your friends tonight…”

“Love and Mercy”- Brian Wilson

Did you see today’s breaking news? A former health insurance executive just went on record saying that right-wing mobs at town halls are the result of “stealth efforts by health insurance companies.”1 And The Huffington Post reports that dirty energy companies are helping bankroll the mobs.2

It’s infuriating—but the good news is that everyday folks are fighting back. And the great news is that we’re making strides. In city after city, MoveOn Councils are proving to the media that the vast majority of Americans support the change agenda that President Obama ran on.

As we ramp up our “Real Voices for Change” campaign, here are some recent inspiring stories from MoveOn Councils around the country:

* We’re keeping it positive. At a town hall in Charlottesville, Virginia, national media were expecting a hostile and extremist crowd—but Rep. Tom Perriello was met by a large and very friendly group. NBC reported, for the most part the crowd was subdued and in support of reforming the system.3 An event with Rep. Joe Sestak in Philadelphia, where the local MoveOn Council helped to turn people out, was “overwhelmingly civil.”4 In Denver, at a high-profile event with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, a few right-wing protesters compared President Obama to Hitler—but progressive protesters vastly outnumbered them.5

ReaganAndSuperman* We’re making direct contact with decision-makers. At a Jobs Fair in northwest Indiana, Council Coordinator David Lambeth handed a flyer supporting a REAL public option directly to Senator Evan Bayh—a key vote on health care reform—and had a quick conversation with him. The Council had organized a flyering event at that Jobs Fair precisely to create such a face-to-face opportunity.

* The media is taking notice. Our signs and footage from MoveOn events are all over the news, including several national spots on MSNBC and NBC Nightly News (one of the most-watched shows on TV). And in one wild moment, conservative Tom Tancredo—a former Colorado congressman—actually waved a MoveOn health care sign on MSNBC!

* We’re getting good responses from members of Congress—even in “red” states. In Johnson County, KS, the Council organized a “honk and wave” outside of Rep. Dennis Moore’s office. (Rep. Moore is a “blue dog” who supports the public option.) As Organizer Ian Rogers reported:

Despite some right-wing protesters who showed up and tried to disrupt the event, the members stayed strong and their efforts paid off. About twenty minutes after the right-wing protesters showed, Rep. Moore himself drove by theheathcareprotest2 honk and wave. He honked, the tea-baggers booed, and Moore gave the thumbs up to our people and honked again.

Thank you so much for all you’re doing to push back against the misconception that right-wing extremists speak for all of us. And there’s much more to do in the weeks ahead—keep it up.


1. “Former exec: Insurers fomenting town hall chaos,” The Hill, August 12, 2009


2. “Townhall Mobs—Brought to you by Big Oil and Dirty Coal,” The Huffington Post, August 7, 2009


3. “Tom in Your Town Hits Charlottesville,” NBC, August 11, 2009


4. “Sestak health-care meeting a spoonful of sugar,” Philadelphia Enquirer, August 13, 2009


5. Pelosi Protesters, Including Kid In Stroller, Compare Obama to Hitler, The Huffington Post, August 8, 2009


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And I can breakaway to the better life
Where the shackles never hold me down
I’m gonna make a way for each happy day
As my life turns around…

“Breakaway”- The Beach Boys

Last week, Republican Senator Jim DeMint made it pretty clear why the opponents of health care reform are fighting so hard. As he told a special interest attack group, “If we’re able to stop Obama on this, it will be his Waterloo. It will break him.” Here’s how the President responded:

Think about that. This isn’t about me. This isn’t about politics. This is about a health care system that is breaking America’s families, breaking America’s businesses and breaking America’s economy. And we can’t afford the politics of delay and defeat when it comes to health care. Not this time, not now. There are too many lives and livelihoods at stake.

With Congress only days away from finalizing their plans for reform, it’s time to stand up with the President and fight back against this disastrous brand of old-style politics. So we need as many people as possible to publicly support the President’s principles for health care reform and call on Congress to act.

Before the first full votes in Congress, we’ll publish the signatures in newspaper ads across the nation, to make sure your voice is heard.

Watch President Obama’s full response, then add your name in support of reform. Or if you’ve already signed, please forward this message to every one of your friends and neighbors so they can join you.

Sign the declaration-


The President is more dedicated than ever to passing health care reform that satisfies the three requirements he’s been talking about for months: Health care reform must reduce costs, guarantee choice — including the choice of a strong public insurance option — and ensure all Americans have quality, affordable health care.

If we do not reform our broken health care system this year, we will only shackle future generations with spiraling costs and deteriorating care. The cost of inaction is simply more than this country can afford.

50065But the special interests who profit from the status quo won’t go down without a fight. The ads, the smears, and the attacks — targeting both President Obama and members of Congress who support reform — will only get worse. So it’s crucial that we show huge backing before Congress finalizes their plans this month.

Stand with President Obama on health care reform:


Thanks for standing up for change.

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marvel_prezFacebook has so many members. There are enough quizzes and polls to give the average joe a mild seizure. “What’s your favorite color?”, “What are your favorite dog breeds” or ” What is your favorite breakfast meat?”. With over 120 million registered members, a Facebook poll on Obama would be quite interesting.

So Facebook members why not take the poll? Doesn’t matter whether you’re Democrat,Republican, or French. The numbers so far today are pretty split. Might not be completely scientific but what the heck, it might be a fun summertime distraction!

Just follow the link and vote. Your country and Facebook thank you!


There is even a comment section if you want to explain your vote!Spider-Man_and_Obama_thumb

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marvel_prezFacebook has so many members. There are enough quizzes and polls to give the average joe a mild seizure. “What’s your favorite color?”, “What are your favorite dog breeds” or ” What is your favorite breakfast meat?”. With over 120 million registered members, a Facebook poll on Obama would be quite interesting.

So Facebook members why not take the poll? Doesn’t matter whether you’re Democrat,Republican, or French. The numbers so far today are pretty split. Might not be completely scientific but what the heck, it might be a fun summertime distraction!

Just follow the link and vote. Your country and Facebook thank you!


There is even a comment section if you want to explain your vote!Spider-Man_and_Obama_thumb

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bottom_letterhead-1Many of you have heard me speak of Corey Dissin. This maniacal, twisted dungeon master incredible fitness motivator along with The Excellence Training Center are bringing you a “Boot Camp with a Purpose” to raise money for the Chester County SPCA.

In addition to a great workout, you can get FREE chair massages from Creative Chiropractic Solutions and samples from Xocai Healthy Chocolate.BCWAP-0607r

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bottom_letterhead-1Many of you have heard me speak of Corey Dissin. This maniacal, twisted dungeon master incredible fitness motivator along with The Excellence Training Center are bringing you a “Boot Camp with a Purpose” to raise money for the Chester County SPCA.

In addition to a great workout, you can get FREE chair massages from Creative Chiropractic Solutions and samples from Xocai Healthy Chocolate.BCWAP-0607r

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