
Posts Tagged ‘alternative healing’

“One by one the stars appear
The light of the day is no longer here                                                                                                                                                    One by one the stars disappear
The sky grows brighter every minute of the sunrise”

– “Wake the World”The Beach Boys

I got an interesting phone call from Ireland talking about this seminar in Philadelphia…sounds fascinating. I thought I would pass it along.-RW

Healing on the Spiritual Path – The Key to Tomorrow’s Health
Medical doctors present healings that are
medically verifiable.
You are invited to attend this FREE lecture. I am a physician in Germany and my colleagues and I do this work out of gratitude for the help and healing we have experienced. Healing of severe chronic illnesses and even so called “incurable” conditions will be presented. During the lecture you have the opportunity to experience the healing power for yourself. You can utilize this power for your own health and for those you love.
International Medical Scientific Group organizes the lectures
I am a member and the director of the international Medical Scientific Group, which is a part of the Bruno Groening Circle of Friends. We have about 6000 medical professionals worldwide and we give these lectures in our leisure time. Many of these lectures are held at universities, even medical universities.
There is no incurable.
The basis of the lectures is the teaching of Bruno Groening, who lived in Germany from 1906-1959. In his lifetime, extraordinary healings occurred during his lectures, which gave him worldwide recognition. He spoke of a power that comes from God which can be easily absorbed by everyone. This divine power was referred to by Bruno Groening as the “healing stream” or the Heilstrom.

An extensive documentary film “The Phenomenon Bruno Gröning – On the Tracks of the Miracle Healer” about the life and work of Bruno Gröning will be shown in several American cities beginning in October 2010 through Spring, 2011. It has been translated into thirty languages and shown successfully worldwide. A German film team created this extensive film production for cinemas over a span of nine years. Thousands of actors, all extras, and most people involved in the production worked in their free time and without any payment. Using contemporary witnesses, original pictures and audio tapes as well as film scenes, the documentary allows a deep insight into the life and work of the most important healer of the last century. The film is shown on a donation basis.
Exact dates and a trailer for the film can be found in the internet under http://www.bruno-groening.org/english/film/defaultfilm.htm.
Please inform your friends and loved ones about this special event.
Yours sincerely,
G. Blättner, M.D.

More information:
Detailed information about the lectures:

Saturday, October 16, 2010, 7:00 pm
Perelman Quadrangle, University of Pennsylvania, Room Arch Crest, 3417 Spruce St.
PA 19104 Philadelphia
Saturday, October 16, 2010, 2:00 pm
Brandywine One Hundred Library 1300 Foulk Rd., DE 19803 Wilmington
Sunday, October 17, 2010, 3:00 pm
Temple University Harrisburg, Room 246/248, 234 Strawberry Square, 4th&Walnut Streets, PA 17101 Harrisburg
Speaker: Mr. Arends MD (GER)

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Healing. Energy. Hands. So many seek touch. We all need it. Then there are those who provide the type that heals. Julie Tereszcuk loves to provide that energy. She does by using  “Seimei” .

There are different types of “touch” healing modalities. Reiki being  the most common. Both have a Japanese origin. There is a subtle but important difference.

When doing Reiki, the practitioner is channeling universal energy into the charka to bring about balance. Seimei is the life force. Seimei practitioners connect to others vital life force and enhances it especially where it is stagnant.

Julie suffered from chronic sinus and ear infections throughout her childhood and into her adult life. Believing that this was ‘just the way it was,’ she tried to make the best of it and keep her health issues in check by taking five daily medications as well as receiving frequent rounds of antibiotics.

One day, Julie came across a Seimei demonstration and decided to give it a try — thinking what could it hurt? Amazed by the immediate relief from pain she experienced, Julie continued to receive regular sessions to address her chronic conditions.

Miraculously, Julie has only used antibiotics once in the last two years, and she no longer needs most of her daily medications. Today, Julie is healthier than she has been her entire life!

I asked Julie Tereszcuk why she wanted to practice seimei..

Seimei for me is a way of life. It gives me my greatest pleasure to help others feel better. From the time I was young I had always said that I wanted to be a nurse. This really did not make any kind of sense to me because I hate needles and blood, these things make me crawl out of my skin.  Then I was introduced to Seimei. After my first demo I knew this was why I was put on this earth.  I traveled to Japan to learn and attend classes with senior Seimei  directors. It changed my entire outlook on healing . For me my experience with Seimei is that of quantum leaps. Learning exponentially every time I use it.

Feel Free to Contact Julie to discuss your specific needs at 908-635-3836 or seimeijuls@aim.com.

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“Now is the time life begins
Take that simple path
And love will set you free
Live in harmony
And love will set you free”- “Be Still” -Dennis Wilson

What are Chakra’s? Chakra’s are energy centers that we have all over and around our bodies. They are spinning wheels that keep our center’s open and our energy flowing. This keeps us balanced and healthy. When our chakra’s are off- balanced or blocked we can have problems is our life. To keep it simple: we have seven main chakra’s on our physical body.

The 1st is our base chakra. It’s color is red and it represents  our physical world, our personality, self expression, security and survival. The 2nd is our Sacral Chakra. It’s color is orange and it represents sexual energy, creative and pure emotions, feelings. The 3rd is our Solar Plexus Chakra. It’s color is Yellow and it represents wishes, desires, this is where our personality is formed. This is also where the bridge between our higher and lower aspects of ourselves meet. The 4th is our Heart Chakra. It’s color is green and it represents our ability to love, and have an appreciation of art or music.This is also where healing is done. Our heart is the center of our body. It also is the 1st Spiritual Chakra. The 5th is our Throat Chakra. It’s color is blue and it represents our expression of laughter, speech, weeping. All sounds on both the physical and metaphysical levels. It allows us to express emotions and feelings. The 6th Chakra is our Third Eye. It’s color is Indigo and it connects us to Spirit and other worlds. It is God intuition. The 7th is our Crown Chakra. It’s color is Violet, White, Gold and it represents our connections to the Universe. It gives us guidance and knowledge beyond words or intellect.

What I am working to do is connecting and aligning our Chakra’s so that we can tap into our Divine Purpose and Guidance. That is why I try to incorporate Chakra balancing in my practice. This helps us understand our minds, our bodies and our souls. Eastern cultures treat our Spiritual body with our Physical body in the healing of illness and the Ancients treated our Spiritual body before the Physical body.  I just feel that illness and dis-ease starts as an emotion that can be address before we get sick. Use your inner guidance and see if this rings true for you.

Many Thanks To Geri Massott for writing this post …Geri and Rick Wood have joined forces and are opening The Wood Massott Holistic Center in June.

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I met Robert Taub several months ago. My better half and I were attending The Valley Forge Body,Mind and Spirit Expo. Amy wanted to try talking to an Intuitive, healer, psychic, or seer of some kind. We walked by many. Some promised many things – the future, instantaneous healings, and the like. I walked past Robert . Twice. He radiated peace… not in a glazed “head in the clouds” kind of way. His demeanor was more like someone who seemed truly content. Peacefully fearless. We both attended his seminar and enjoyed it immensely (the group healing was amazing).  We have spoken with him several times since then. During that time Amy’s  book  “They’re Not Gone” was released. I’ve finally expanded my office. I’m giving  seminars. I’ve surround myself with truly supportive people. My life is transforming. Robert Taub has been a part of the journey. Please. Read on…..

CHICAGO, IL — According to author and healer Robert Taub, this is the most significant time in human history to be alive. The world is undergoing a profound transformation that has the potential to create a literal heaven here on Earth. This unprecedented opportunity is available to everyone now— individually, societally and as a planet.

“Since 2000, humanity has been rapidly awakening and moving into a new paradigm,” says Taub. “Vibrant health, happiness, inner peace and prosperity are more possible than ever. We really have the potential now to work together to create something much better. I’m helping my clients to do that within their own lives, which ultimately extends outward, by their examples, to benefit others, too.”

Taub provides his clients with healing and transformational guidance through individual sessions, a book series and workshops that he teaches nationwide at healing expos. His clients are national and international, and he usually works by phone.

“Because I can see and work directly with a client’s energy body as we talk, being in the same room is unnecessary,” says Taub. “Of course, in person I can connect a physical presence with the energy, and it’s nice to see faces.”

That’s one reason Taub enjoys doing workshops at expos. Taub uses his early career experience as a technology trainer to deliver highly engaging and entertaining workshops on his healing work. He will be appearing  at the Body, Mind, Spirit Expo in Voorhees, New Jersey, from May 21 through 23. His workshop on Saturday, May 22, 2–4 pm, will focus on Personal and Planetary Ascension, and he will offer guidance on awakening and healing in America, embracing the newly arriving energies, preparing for 2012 and gradually and safely activating our full DNA potential. In addition to a group healing, workshop participants also receive a copy of Taub’s book, Awakening in America®, a guidebook for spiritual awakening, the title of which was revealed to him in a dream. Part guide to awakening into higher consciousness and part spiritual adventure novel, Awakening in America® provides perspective on some of modern society’s most baffling questions: “Why haven’t I found my soul-mate and created the perfect relationship?” “Who am I anyway?” “Why am I here?”

Prior to writing the book, higher guidance also led Taub to become a healer. At one time an MBA with a comfortable corporate job, he suffered a debilitating illness and became his first client as he healed himself through diet and lifestyle changes and energetic clearing.

I had so much unreleased stress and emotional trauma that my auto-immune system began to fail,” recalls Taub. “In 1992, I started to become arthritic, and by 1994, I could barely move. All of the healing I experienced then was actually helping to pave the way for assisting with this paradigm shift we’re undergoing right now.”

Taub has dedicated the past decade of his life to pioneering his powerful transformational healing work, beginning with the study of ancient and modern wisdom and meditation in 1987, which he later learned was the year of a significant Harmonic Convergence.

His transformational healing method combines techniques he has developed and lifestyle recommendations with unique Source-given intuitive abilities that awakened in him after a major consciousness shift. This combination makes Taub unique in the realm of holistic practitioners. He can intuitively see the roots of issues and dis-ease in a client’s energy body, and he then directs Source energy to those areas to facilitate healing.

Taub regained his own health, and brings the experience of his own healing and spiritual awakening to his writing and to his clients. He says he has had great success in helping clients with depression, lack of life purpose, chronic illnesses and dis-eases that are hard to treat through typical Western methods.

“Those of us who are awakening spiritually in America face many challenges, and it’s easy to overly immerse ourselves in material diversions as a way of coping but also avoiding our spiritual needs,” he says. “Mastering the challenges on our own paths is the only way I have found to experience the ultimate joy of expanded awareness. Sharing what I have discovered while awakening is why I was drawn to become a healer and to write Awakening in America®.”

If you miss Robert in New Jersey, you can meet him at the Kryon Summer Light Conference in Sedona, Arizona, June 18 through 20. You can learn more about his work and order his book at www.awakeninginamerica.com.

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Lord, make me an instrument of your peace

Where there is hatred, let me sow love:

Where there is injury, pardon;

Where there is doubt, faith;

Where there is despair, hope;

Where there is darkness, light;

Where there is sadness, joy.

O Divine Master, grant that I may not

So much seek to be consoled

As to console,

To be understood as to understand,

To be loved as to love.

For it is in giving that we receive,

It is in pardoning that we are pardoned,

And it is in dying that we are born

to eternal life.

Prayer of St.Francis

This is a wonderful prayer of healing and peace. The healing art of Reiki is very similar to the prayer. Bringing love and light to help others heal. Not anymore. At least according to the Catholic Church. I received a letter from Reiki Master Holly Matthews about how the church says to not support the use of Reiki sessions!

It would have been different if the bishops had done their homework….

Read on

A Response to the Bishops’ Statement on Reiki

by William Lee Rand

On March 25, 2009, U.S. Catholic bishops issued a statement advising Catholic hospitals, health care facilities, and Catholic chaplains not to support the use of Reiki sessions. The statement was issued by The Committee on Doctrine, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops and titled: “Guidelines for Evaluating Reiki as Alternative Therapy.”

The statement was based on research the committee had done over a period of several months involving information found on the Internet and in Reiki books. Based on these sources, they concluded that Reiki came from Buddhist texts and has a religious basis; that Reiki healing energy is directed by human thought and will; that Reiki is not validated by scientific studies and has no scientific explanation, and that Reiki is not accepted by the medical community.

When considering the value of the bishops’ statement, it’s important to note the sources they accessed. Much of their research came from information published on Internet Web sites. Overall, the Internet isn’t a good source of factual information because there is no requirement that information published there be checked or approved for accuracy. Anyone can set up a Web site and publish anything they wish. What often happens is that authors of sites copy from each other, so if inaccurate information is published on one site, it can easily spread to many sites across the Internet. If one makes use of the Internet for research, one must use a developed set of selection criteria that limits one to only the most respected and reputable Web sites. Otherwise, one runs the risk of accepting rumor and misinformation as fact.

This is especially true for Reiki Web sites. Reiki information has been riddled with inaccurate ideas from the beginning of its practice in the West. Many Reiki practitioners, teachers and authors fail to check the accuracy of the information they base their teaching and writing on, and this has had a detrimental effect on the quality of information published both on the Internet and in Reiki books.

The best information on Reiki comes from those who have researched the history and practice of Reiki professionally by conducting research in Japan, reading original documents, and interviewing members of the founding Reiki organization in Japan. If the bishops who wrote the statement on Reiki had interviewed several of these experts, they would have realized that much of the published information on Reiki is inaccurate, and they would have had accurate, verifiable information on which to base their conclusions.usuiwashed

Origin of Reiki

One of the stories told by Mrs. Takata about the origin of Reiki indicates that the founder, Mikao Usui discovered the secret of Reiki n Buddhist texts.1 This story has been repeated over and over in Reiki classes, on Internet Web sites and in many Reiki books. Yet we know this isn’t true. For many years, Mrs. Takata was the only source of information about Reiki for those in the West, and most practitioners accepted her statements without question. Language, cultural, and organizational barriers in Japan made research difficult for those who wanted to learn more about the origins and practice of Reiki. It wasn’t until the end of the 90’s that a few researchers were able to make breakthroughs.

Researchers, including Toshitaka Mochizuki, Hiroshi Doi and Frank Arjava Petter, made contact with the original Reiki organization, discovered Mikao Usui’s grave, translated the story of Reiki inscribed on his memorial stone, and uncovered an original document written by Mikao Usui about the nature of Reiki. These sources indicate that Mikao Usui wasn’t seeking to discover a method of healing, but that the ability to heal came to him spontaneously during a spiritual experience on a sacred mountain. Furthermore, in his Reiki Ryoho Hikkei (Reiki Healing Art Handbook), Mikao Usui states: “My Usui Reiki Ryoho (healing art) is original, never before explored, and incomparable in the world.” These facts indicate that Reiki couldn’t have come from Buddhist texts, nor could it be connected to any religion or belief system. In addition, Japanese Reiki Masters who have knowledge of Buddhism have indicated that they can find nothing from Buddhism in the practice of Reiki and that Reiki is religiously neutral.2

The Nature of Reiki Healing

One of the first things I noticed after I took my first Reiki class and began to practice Reiki is that Reiki healing energy directs itself. I was unable to direct it with my mind or will and realized this wasn’t necessary as Reiki had its own form of guidance that was superior to my own. This experience has been verified by other professional Reiki practitioners and forms the basis of one of the important keys to using Reiki: If you want Reiki to provide the best healing experience, it’s necessary for the practitioner to set their own desire, will and ego aside, and allow the Reiki energy to guide itself.

Scientific Explanation for Reiki

There is a scientific explanation for Reiki that is based on scientific studies and factual information. This explanation has been presented as a testable hypothesis by James Oschman, Ph.D.

Dr. Oschman is a scientist with a conventional background who became interested in the practice of energy medicine. Through research, he discovered a number of important scientific studies that point to a scientific basis for energy medicine based on the laws of physics and biology. These findings are discussed in an interview, “Science and the Human Energy Field,” published in the Winter 2002 issue of Reiki News Magazine.reiki.jpg colours

The electrical currents that run through every part of the human body provide the basis for Dr. Oschman’s hypothesis. These currents are present in the nervous system, organs, and cells of the body. For instance, the electrical signals that trigger the heartbeat travel throughout all the tissues of the body and can be detected anywhere on the body.

Ampere’s law indicates that when an electrical current flows through a conductor, an electromagnetic field is produced that reflects the nature of the current that created it. Tests with scientific instruments indicate that electromagnetic fields exist around the body and around each of the organs of the body, including the brain, heart, kidneys, liver, stomach, etc. The heart has the strongest field, which has been measured at a distance of 15 feet from the body.

The fields around each of the organs pulse at different frequencies and stay within a specific frequency range when they are healthy, but move out of this range when they are unhealthy. The hands of healers produce pulsing electromagnetic fields when they are in the process of healing, whereas the hands of non-healer do not produce these fields. When a healer places his or her hands on or near a person in need of healing, the electromagnetic field of the healer’s hands sweeps through a range of frequencies based on the needs of the part of the body being treated. Faraday’s law indicates that one electromagnetic field can induce currents into a nearby conductor and through this process, induce a similar field around it. In this way, a healer induces a healthy electromagnetic field around an unhealthy organ, thus inducing a healthy state in the organ. A detailed explanation of this hypothesis, including descriptions of the scientific studies, diagrams, and references is presented in the interview mentioned above.

Acceptance by the Medical Community

Although Reiki is not universally accepted within the medical community, many medical professionals, hospitals, and healthcare facilities recognize its benefits and accept it as an adjunct therapy. In Holistic Nursing, A Handbook for Practice, Chapter 2 “Scope and Standards of Practice,” the American Holistic Nursing Association (AHNA) lists Reiki as an accepted form of treatment.3 In addition, according to the American Hospital Association, in 2007 Reiki was offered as a standard part of patient care in 15% or over 800 hospitals across the US.4 Doctors have recommended Reiki to their patients for amelioration of various health-related conditions. Surgeons make use of Reiki practitioners prior to, during, and following surgery. As an example, Dr. Mehmet Oz, one of the most respected cardiovascular surgeons in the US, uses Reiki during open-heart surgeries and heart transplants. According to Dr. Oz, “Reiki has become a sought-after healing art among patients and mainstream medical professionals.”5

Ethical Implications

To refuse Reiki treatment to patients that request it creates an ethical issue. According to the AHNA statement in response to the bishops’ statement, the practice of holistic nursing is not subject to regulation by the Catholic church and it would be an ethical violation for a member of the AHNA to withhold Reiki treatment from a patient who requests it; this includes those working in Catholic hospitals.

Scientific Studies

There are a number of reputable scientific studies that provide evidence that Reiki is therapeutic. These studies can be found by using one of the professional medical databases such as PubMed or Cochrane Collection.6 Studies meeting medical and scientific standards are usually published in peer-reviewed journals. There are over 20 such studies on the therapeutic value of Reiki. A review of some of these studies, “An Integrative Review of Reiki Touch Therapy Research” by Anne Vitale, Ph. D., can be found at http://www.nursingcenter.com/pdf.asp?AID=732068. While the Reiki studies conducted to date are preliminary in nature, they do provide support for additional studies.Reiki Healing 250x200

One well-designed Reiki study is “Autonomic Nervous-System-Changes During Reiki Treatment: A Preliminary Study.”7 Forty-five subjects were assigned randomly to three groups. One group received no treatment, another received Reiki treatment by experienced Reiki practitioners, and the third group received sham treatment by a person with no Reiki training who used the same hand positions as those receiving real Reiki.

Measurements were made of heart rate, cardiac vagal tone, blood pressure, cardiac sensitivity to baroreflex, and breathing. Heart rate and diastolic blood pressure decreased significantly for those receiving Reiki, but not for those receiving sham Reiki, or no treatment. This study indicates that the body does respond to Reiki energy and that this response isn’t purely psychological. It also indicates a potential therapeutic effect for Reiki.

“Reiki Improves Heart Rate Homeostasis in Laboratory Rats”8 is another valuable study. The value of using animals in this type of study is that they are not affected by belief or skepticism regarding Reiki. In addition, highly accurate telemetric implants were used to transmit the biometric data. White noise was used to increase the heart rate of three implanted laboratory rats. The rats were treated by a Reiki practitioner and by a sham Reiki practitioner prior to being exposed to white noise and after exposure. The procedure involved the practitioner directing their hands toward the caged rat at a distance of four feet. The rats that received Reiki experienced a significant reduction in heart rate, both before having their heart rates elevated by white noise and after, whereas those treated with sham Reiki did not. This is one of the most rigorous Reiki studies to date and demonstrates that Reiki reduces the heart rate in both stressed and unstressed animals and promotes homeostasis, both of which promote healthy heart function.

Reiki is practiced by followers of many religious traditions. Although some practitioners integrate Reiki into their existing religious beliefs, Reiki is not a religion, doctrine, or dogma. Reiki is grounded in the principle of compassionate action, which is common to all religious traditions. While each religion has the right to create its own rules, it’s within the nature of human dignity and free will for each person to decide which path to follow and what activities are appropriate for them.

1 Paul David Mitchell, The Blue Book, revised edition for The Reiki Alliance (Coeur d’Alene, Idaho: 1985), page 13.

2 Personal communication with Japanese Reiki practitioners Hiroshi Doi and Hyakuten Inamoto.

3 page 56.

4 http://www.usatoday.com/news/health/2008-09-14-alternative-therapies_N.htm and http://www.reikiinhospitals.org

5 http://healthcare-research.suite101.com/article.cfm/reiki_in_hospitals

6 http://www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov/ PubMed is the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH) free digital archive of biomedical and life sciences journal literature. http://www.lib.umb.edu/node/1353 The Cochrane Collection provides access to a collection of databases, which focus on the effects of health care and evidence based medical practice.

7 Nicole Makay, M.Sc., Stig Hansen, Ph.D., and Oona McFarlane, M.A., The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, Volume 10, Number 6, 2004, pp. 1077–1081. This study is also discussed in “The Science of Reiki” by Nicole Mackay, Reiki News Magazine (Summer 2005).

8 Ann Linda Baldwin, Ph.D, Christina Wagers, and Gary E. Schwartz, Ph.D., The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, Volume 14, Number 4, 2008, pp. 417–422.

William Lee Rand is president of the International Center for Reiki Training and executive editor of the Reiki News Magazine. He has studied with five Reiki teachers, including two from Japan, and has made three trips to Japan to research the history and nature of Reiki. Rand has practiced Reiki since 1981 and has taught full time for 20 years.

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Permission is given to forward this article to anyone you think is interested in reading it and to quote from it. When quoting please give credit to the author and list the web link.

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reiki-hand1I will be offering a Combination Reiki I and Psychic Protection Class Saturday,  June 20th 9am – 4pm (approximate ending time) at my 1055 Westlakes Drive, Suite 300, Berwyn, PA 19312 location.

This combination class will  focus on teaching you to use  Reiki on yourself and others.  In addition you will learn how to incorporate the use of your own intuition and practical tools for psychic protection while giving Reiki.

The class will cover:

  • Welcome and Brief Introduction
  • Reiki History
  • What Reiki is and does
  • The 3 Reiki Degrees
  • Reiki Principles & Ethics
  • Introduction to Psychic Protection
  • Using Psychic Protection with Reiki
  • The 7 major Chakras
  • Intuition and Hand Position
  • Break/Lunch
  • Attunements
  • Reiki Self-Healing Practice
  • Using Guides for the Direct Healing of others
  • Group Healing Demonstrations
  • Practice

The cost of the class is $125.00 which covers all materials.  You will be certified in Reiki Level I at the end of the class.  This class is open to the first paid 10 registrants.

*To my Arizona clients – this same class will be offered sometime in July. If you are interested please contact me at bchboy@rickywood.net so that I can post a date.*

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Sometime ago I got an interesting phone call from a cheerful woman from Gilbert,Az. She wanted to know how best to get started as a Psychic Medium. I was honored to have her ask me…I later found out she tried others in the business but no one seemed to have the time! Too bad for them. Holly has turned out to be one of the hardest working people in the field.

Through her work as a medium and psychic, Holly helps others reconnect with their loved ones in the afterlife, an area she feels contributes not only to “healing the grieving loved one left behind helping to confirm the continuity of life,” but also to the overall enlightenment of humanity in providing validity that we do live on.


As a psychic, Holly is committed to providing others with insight and direction, so they are able to move forward and make the best possible decisions. Holly is also Reiki Master Practioner. So am I…small world ain’t it?

reiki15b15d1Holly helps her clients understand physical, mental and emotional challenges and their underlying causes. Being a Master Practitioner in Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki and Seichem, Holly helps her clients restore their energies thereby eliminating the effects of negative imbalances, blocked memories, emotional ties that bind, spiritual abuse and poor circulation. Holly has worked with babies, children, teenagers, adults, pets and plants, continually witnessing miraculous results. Unlike specific medical treatments, these beautiful Reiki treatments address BODY, MIND and SPIRIT as a whole.

Like I said one hardworking lady. I wish her all the best and look forward to working with her in the future.

Holly’s website http://www.azspiritualmedium.com/

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