
Archive for the ‘nutrition’ Category

“One by one the stars appear
The light of the day is no longer here                                                                                                                                                    One by one the stars disappear
The sky grows brighter every minute of the sunrise”

– “Wake the World”The Beach Boys

I got an interesting phone call from Ireland talking about this seminar in Philadelphia…sounds fascinating. I thought I would pass it along.-RW

Healing on the Spiritual Path – The Key to Tomorrow’s Health
Medical doctors present healings that are
medically verifiable.
You are invited to attend this FREE lecture. I am a physician in Germany and my colleagues and I do this work out of gratitude for the help and healing we have experienced. Healing of severe chronic illnesses and even so called “incurable” conditions will be presented. During the lecture you have the opportunity to experience the healing power for yourself. You can utilize this power for your own health and for those you love.
International Medical Scientific Group organizes the lectures
I am a member and the director of the international Medical Scientific Group, which is a part of the Bruno Groening Circle of Friends. We have about 6000 medical professionals worldwide and we give these lectures in our leisure time. Many of these lectures are held at universities, even medical universities.
There is no incurable.
The basis of the lectures is the teaching of Bruno Groening, who lived in Germany from 1906-1959. In his lifetime, extraordinary healings occurred during his lectures, which gave him worldwide recognition. He spoke of a power that comes from God which can be easily absorbed by everyone. This divine power was referred to by Bruno Groening as the “healing stream” or the Heilstrom.

An extensive documentary film “The Phenomenon Bruno Gröning – On the Tracks of the Miracle Healer” about the life and work of Bruno Gröning will be shown in several American cities beginning in October 2010 through Spring, 2011. It has been translated into thirty languages and shown successfully worldwide. A German film team created this extensive film production for cinemas over a span of nine years. Thousands of actors, all extras, and most people involved in the production worked in their free time and without any payment. Using contemporary witnesses, original pictures and audio tapes as well as film scenes, the documentary allows a deep insight into the life and work of the most important healer of the last century. The film is shown on a donation basis.
Exact dates and a trailer for the film can be found in the internet under http://www.bruno-groening.org/english/film/defaultfilm.htm.
Please inform your friends and loved ones about this special event.
Yours sincerely,
G. Blättner, M.D.

More information:
Detailed information about the lectures:

Saturday, October 16, 2010, 7:00 pm
Perelman Quadrangle, University of Pennsylvania, Room Arch Crest, 3417 Spruce St.
PA 19104 Philadelphia
Saturday, October 16, 2010, 2:00 pm
Brandywine One Hundred Library 1300 Foulk Rd., DE 19803 Wilmington
Sunday, October 17, 2010, 3:00 pm
Temple University Harrisburg, Room 246/248, 234 Strawberry Square, 4th&Walnut Streets, PA 17101 Harrisburg
Speaker: Mr. Arends MD (GER)

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Healing. Energy. Hands. So many seek touch. We all need it. Then there are those who provide the type that heals. Julie Tereszcuk loves to provide that energy. She does by using  “Seimei” .

There are different types of “touch” healing modalities. Reiki being  the most common. Both have a Japanese origin. There is a subtle but important difference.

When doing Reiki, the practitioner is channeling universal energy into the charka to bring about balance. Seimei is the life force. Seimei practitioners connect to others vital life force and enhances it especially where it is stagnant.

Julie suffered from chronic sinus and ear infections throughout her childhood and into her adult life. Believing that this was ‘just the way it was,’ she tried to make the best of it and keep her health issues in check by taking five daily medications as well as receiving frequent rounds of antibiotics.

One day, Julie came across a Seimei demonstration and decided to give it a try — thinking what could it hurt? Amazed by the immediate relief from pain she experienced, Julie continued to receive regular sessions to address her chronic conditions.

Miraculously, Julie has only used antibiotics once in the last two years, and she no longer needs most of her daily medications. Today, Julie is healthier than she has been her entire life!

I asked Julie Tereszcuk why she wanted to practice seimei..

Seimei for me is a way of life. It gives me my greatest pleasure to help others feel better. From the time I was young I had always said that I wanted to be a nurse. This really did not make any kind of sense to me because I hate needles and blood, these things make me crawl out of my skin.  Then I was introduced to Seimei. After my first demo I knew this was why I was put on this earth.  I traveled to Japan to learn and attend classes with senior Seimei  directors. It changed my entire outlook on healing . For me my experience with Seimei is that of quantum leaps. Learning exponentially every time I use it.

Feel Free to Contact Julie to discuss your specific needs at 908-635-3836 or seimeijuls@aim.com.

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“Don’t back down
You gotta be a little nuts
Don’t back down
But show ’em now who’s got guts
Don’t back down
Don’t back down from that wave”

Don’t Back Down”-The Beach Boys

The gentleman in the photo would probably use lyrics from a band named “Metallic Flaming Gophers from Hell” but it’s my blog so bite me…..

What Corey Dissin does well is motivate.

There are many people who set out to achieve a goal but many find an excuse why not to do something. Corey usually finds a way…. he does not back down. From having a full time day job to running his personal training center “Train with Corey” to being a little league coach- He does it with a smile on his face. He has launched a new clothing line called “DISSIPLINE” , fusing his last name with disipline was a great idea. I wish him luck but he doesn’t need it. He’s got  plenty of  “dissipline”…

So impress your friends. Piss off your mother in law and buy her one for Mother’s Day. Wear it to church. Here’s where to order – http://www.dissipline.com

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20081206 1002I have known Marilyn Firchow for several years and she continues to amaze me. Her level of fitness surpasses women half her age. Mrs.Firchow is full of spirit and she truly enjoys life. That’s plenty of inspiration for me! Good luck Marilyn in all your endeavors…

May 17th, 2009, DREXEL HILL, Pennsylvania – Marilyn’s Ultimate Health & Fitness is celebrating its 10-year anniversary. President and CEO Marilyn M. Firchow is a certified personal trainer with American Council on Exercise (ACE).  Over the years, Firchow has trained clients who are new to exercise, those who are post rehab, and clients who are currently into fitness and want to take it to the next level.

The benefit of working with Marilyn is her 20+ years of knowledge and expertise in the fitness and health industry.  Marilyn is also a licensed Physical Therapist Assistant, specializing in orthopedic populations.  Marilyn has trained clients with everything from total knee/hip replacements to obesity-issues to those that are conditioned, but need to amp-it-up.  She is very creative and with a few good workout tools, she can turn your home into a virtual gym.  Marilyn has introduced the “35-minute Fitness Blast”, a 35-minute total body workout designed for people on a time and dollar budget.Womanstretching

Marilyn Firchow is a personal trainer who is mindful of a client’s past medical history while focusing on their goals, and motivating them.  She has helped clients loose inches and pounds while monitoring their vital signs to ensure safety.  She can also push the envelope and take clients to the next level of fitness.  Whether in the comfort of your home, or at the local gym, Marilyn is the trainer with the energy and the knowledge to transform you!  For more information or to set up an appointment, go to http://www.MarilynsFitness.com.

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20081206 1002I have known Marilyn Firchow for several years and she continues to amaze me. Her level of fitness surpasses women half her age. Mrs.Firchow is full of spirit and she truly enjoys life. That’s plenty of inspiration for me! Good luck Marilyn in all your endeavors…

May 17th, 2009, DREXEL HILL, Pennsylvania – Marilyn’s Ultimate Health & Fitness is celebrating its 10-year anniversary. President and CEO Marilyn M. Firchow is a certified personal trainer with American Council on Exercise (ACE).  Over the years, Firchow has trained clients who are new to exercise, those who are post rehab, and clients who are currently into fitness and want to take it to the next level.

The benefit of working with Marilyn is her 20+ years of knowledge and expertise in the fitness and health industry.  Marilyn is also a licensed Physical Therapist Assistant, specializing in orthopedic populations.  Marilyn has trained clients with everything from total knee/hip replacements to obesity-issues to those that are conditioned, but need to amp-it-up.  She is very creative and with a few good workout tools, she can turn your home into a virtual gym.  Marilyn has introduced the “35-minute Fitness Blast”, a 35-minute total body workout designed for people on a time and dollar budget.Womanstretching

Marilyn Firchow is a personal trainer who is mindful of a client’s past medical history while focusing on their goals, and motivating them.  She has helped clients loose inches and pounds while monitoring their vital signs to ensure safety.  She can also push the envelope and take clients to the next level of fitness.  Whether in the comfort of your home, or at the local gym, Marilyn is the trainer with the energy and the knowledge to transform you!  For more information or to set up an appointment, go to http://www.MarilynsFitness.com.

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I’m gonna be round my vegetables
I’m gonna chow down my vegetables
I love you most of all
My favorite vege-table

“Vegetables”- The Beach Boys

My work has me traveling a lot. When it comes to a proper diet, my brain would chose Jack in The Box over something healthy anytime. But eating crap all the time can make me sluggish,tired, and very cranky. I found that couple servings a day of a good greens powder brings me vitality and boosts my immunity. Amy Butler wrote a wonderful blog on the subject, read on…


Because Western diets that are typically high in meat [protein] and carbohydrate consumption are highly acidic [because acid is needed to break down proteins and carbohydrates]. Greens food are plant based so they help keep the body’s sensitive pH balance in an alkaline and healthy state.

Unless most of your diet consists of vegetables and fruits with an emphasis on eating them raw – you are probably lacking some of the nutrients your body wants!Vegetables

Less than 11 percent of all Americans meet the USDA minimum recommended guidelines for fruit and vegetable consumption.

With our hectic lives, it’s never easy to squeeze in all of those servings of fruits and vegetables, but getting balanced whole food nutrition is vital for optimal health!

Diets high in fruits and vegetables have been shown to reduce the risk of obesity and some chronic health diseases such as cardiovascular disease, cancer, and diabetes. Are you missing out on the health benefits of a nutritionally-rich diet?

It’s easy to increase your daily consumption of nutritious whole foods with our amazing Green Garden formula.


If you are looking for a raw vegetable blend to super-charge your diet look no further!

One of the best parts about Frequency Foods Green Garden Formula is that it comes in both powder & capsules!

There are quite a few Greens on the market – yet it is hard to find them in Capsule form for those who prefer it – especially kids!

Another reason you should choose Green Garden from Frequency Foods….

Green Garden contains NO fillers, flowing agents (many manufacturers use talcum powder…ugh!), and absolutely no synthetic additives or preservatives. All the raw materials used in Green Garden are analyzed for purity and vitality before AND AFTER manufacturing. The product quality is unsurpassed!

Why Not Give it a try – see how you feel!

To Your Health!


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I told alot of you I would let you know when the new”VME” would be out. Here it is …this whole -food Multi Vitamin , Mineral and Enzyme blend is effective and won’t make you want to regurgitate your breakfast.

Do you know you need to supplement with a multi-vitamin but you’re confused about which one to take? Don’t waste your money on inferior products! www.GreenLifeSaver.net is happy to offer you a high-quality, bioavailable, multi that takes the guesswork out of it!

Frequency Foods is proud to announce a fantastic new addition to our product line: VME Complete!

Every once in a while a product comes along that promises to change lives forever. VME Complete is that type of product. Over the past year, Frequency Foods has sought out to add to our product line a truly effective, powerful, and perfectly balanced “all-in-one” supplement that would not only complement the other products in the line but also stand alone for those who want the ease and simplicity of one supplement regime.

The name says it all – VME Complete (abbreviation for Vitamin – Mineral – Enzyme). A complete formula containing an extensive vitamin complex including Vitamins A, C, D, E and K plus a FULL B-Vitamin complex for energy, anti-aging, and extra vitality throughout the day. The added powerful enzyme complex allows for continual digestion of the vitamin-mineral matrix that results in far higher bio-availability of its ingredients.

CLICK HERE to learn more about VME Complete and a detailed list of the ingredients in each capsule!

Get $5.00 off the first bottle! Enter TryVME in the coupon code when checking out and instantly save $5.00!

To Your Health!


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amy-butler.jpgAmy Butler’s article on living day by day from http://www.rickywood.net/mindbodyspirit.html

Mind Body & Spirit

Nurturing each aspect of the mind, body, and spirit is essential to attaining personal fulfillment and happiness. It is very important to give attention to each area to obtain optimal results. When one is neglected it can impact the other two and ultimately throw off the delicate balance. Lets look at each individually and briefly discuss its importance.

First, the mind is like a sponge and it will develop according to the type of thoughts, feelings, and emotions it is presented with each day. Therefore, It is important to feed it positively in every way. Think only happy thoughts. It sounds much easier than it is as I’m sure you know. Avoid self-defeating talk such as: I can’t, I’m not good enough, I’ve never done it so I can’t, why even try, etc. Most of us as children heard the story about the little engine that could, “I think I can, I think I can.” If you think you can, you can. It’s that simple. Try it for a day a see how much of a difference it can make. You’ll be surprised! Allow only positive thoughts and words. No complaining, gossiping or negative self-talk. If something slips out, correct it immediately i.e. – “These pants make me look big. Replace with something positive such as, Wow my hair looks nice today.” We are what we manifest, so focus on the positive and take one step at a time towards the things you’d like to change.

The second aspect of importance to our well-being is the health of our bodies. We have all experienced sickness. At those times it is almost impossible to have positive thoughts and feel spiritually connected. Even when we are not “sick,” if our bodies are not at their healthiest, we are not going to be at our best; therefore, adversely affecting our mind and spirit. We all know that exercise is very important, yet we find excuses to avoid it. You do have time; you just have to make it a priority. Proper nutrition is also a necessity. Unfortunately, in today’s world it is difficult to eat on the run and get the nutrients we need. Optimally, we should eat whole grains, fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts, and seeds. For most of us, we need to supplement for numerous reasons. After years of nutritional education, I found a company that provides organic, whole-food products that maintain their life force, which ultimately provides the best and most complete absorption of key nutrients. Learn more at www.GreenLifesaver.net.

Lastly, and definitely not least is the spirit. For a lot of people it can be the most difficult because it is not what we consider a tangible part of us. This is something that is very personal and many choose to broach this part of themselves in different ways. What I do feel is important is that we don’t confuse religion with spirituality. Organized religion cannot replace our own personal spirituality. We should also keep in mind that the complexities of our spirits cannot be fully encompassed in any one religion. This does not mean that taking part in a religion is not helpful to our spirits; just keep in mind not to restrict yourself. My personal belief is that we as humans are all connected spiritually regardless of race, class, or religious affiliation and that we should give to others freely. When you help another you are helping yourself. It all comes full circle. Read, listen, and pray whether it be to God, your greatest good, deceased loved ones or to whomever you feel most comfortable. Listen, appreciate the small things, and be kind. Be grateful for all that you are, all that you have, and all that you can and will do for others. We are all here so our spirits can experience, learn, and mature. It is a beautiful and sacred experience, treat it as such and enjoy every moment you have.

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amy-butler.jpgAmy Butler’s article on living day by day from http://www.rickywood.net/mindbodyspirit.html

Mind Body & Spirit

Nurturing each aspect of the mind, body, and spirit is essential to attaining personal fulfillment and happiness. It is very important to give attention to each area to obtain optimal results. When one is neglected it can impact the other two and ultimately throw off the delicate balance. Lets look at each individually and briefly discuss its importance.

First, the mind is like a sponge and it will develop according to the type of thoughts, feelings, and emotions it is presented with each day. Therefore, It is important to feed it positively in every way. Think only happy thoughts. It sounds much easier than it is as I’m sure you know. Avoid self-defeating talk such as: I can’t, I’m not good enough, I’ve never done it so I can’t, why even try, etc. Most of us as children heard the story about the little engine that could, “I think I can, I think I can.” If you think you can, you can. It’s that simple. Try it for a day a see how much of a difference it can make. You’ll be surprised! Allow only positive thoughts and words. No complaining, gossiping or negative self-talk. If something slips out, correct it immediately i.e. – “These pants make me look big. Replace with something positive such as, Wow my hair looks nice today.” We are what we manifest, so focus on the positive and take one step at a time towards the things you’d like to change.

The second aspect of importance to our well-being is the health of our bodies. We have all experienced sickness. At those times it is almost impossible to have positive thoughts and feel spiritually connected. Even when we are not “sick,” if our bodies are not at their healthiest, we are not going to be at our best; therefore, adversely affecting our mind and spirit. We all know that exercise is very important, yet we find excuses to avoid it. You do have time; you just have to make it a priority. Proper nutrition is also a necessity. Unfortunately, in today’s world it is difficult to eat on the run and get the nutrients we need. Optimally, we should eat whole grains, fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts, and seeds. For most of us, we need to supplement for numerous reasons. After years of nutritional education, I found a company that provides organic, whole-food products that maintain their life force, which ultimately provides the best and most complete absorption of key nutrients. Learn more at www.GreenLifesaver.net.

Lastly, and definitely not least is the spirit. For a lot of people it can be the most difficult because it is not what we consider a tangible part of us. This is something that is very personal and many choose to broach this part of themselves in different ways. What I do feel is important is that we don’t confuse religion with spirituality. Organized religion cannot replace our own personal spirituality. We should also keep in mind that the complexities of our spirits cannot be fully encompassed in any one religion. This does not mean that taking part in a religion is not helpful to our spirits; just keep in mind not to restrict yourself. My personal belief is that we as humans are all connected spiritually regardless of race, class, or religious affiliation and that we should give to others freely. When you help another you are helping yourself. It all comes full circle. Read, listen, and pray whether it be to God, your greatest good, deceased loved ones or to whomever you feel most comfortable. Listen, appreciate the small things, and be kind. Be grateful for all that you are, all that you have, and all that you can and will do for others. We are all here so our spirits can experience, learn, and mature. It is a beautiful and sacred experience, treat it as such and enjoy every moment you have.

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gw-health-front-small3.jpgI hate it when I hear “that’s the way it is” or “that’s the only option”. These were the quotes being spouted by doctors to Amy Butler. Amy had brought her 8 year old daughter in for a consultation. The doctors had diagnosed her daughter Cassandra with JRA (Juvenile Rhuematoid Arthritis). Little Cassandra was experiencing a locked hip and finding it difficult to walk. Doctors recommended Methotrexate the drug was being used to treat JRA but had a list of potentially harmful side effects. Ms. Butler sought another way. She had always thought that she fed Cassandra well…fruits,veggies,milk etc. However she found that many of these foods were pesticide-laden,non-organic, and playing havoc on Cassandra’s immune system. Amy introduced a variety of Alternative methods to treat and heal her daughter’s JRA…with great success! The doctors thought this a fluke and woldn’t or couldn’t explain the child’s rapid recovery. This is a compelling story and Amy wrote about her findings. The creators of the new book “101 Ways to improve your Health” included this remarkable story. Anyone who has an open mind to alternative modalities and supplementation should get this book…its definitely worth the look. The book is available at www.greenlifesaver.net

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