
Posts Tagged ‘alternative health’

“One by one the stars appear
The light of the day is no longer here                                                                                                                                                    One by one the stars disappear
The sky grows brighter every minute of the sunrise”

– “Wake the World”The Beach Boys

I got an interesting phone call from Ireland talking about this seminar in Philadelphia…sounds fascinating. I thought I would pass it along.-RW

Healing on the Spiritual Path – The Key to Tomorrow’s Health
Medical doctors present healings that are
medically verifiable.
You are invited to attend this FREE lecture. I am a physician in Germany and my colleagues and I do this work out of gratitude for the help and healing we have experienced. Healing of severe chronic illnesses and even so called “incurable” conditions will be presented. During the lecture you have the opportunity to experience the healing power for yourself. You can utilize this power for your own health and for those you love.
International Medical Scientific Group organizes the lectures
I am a member and the director of the international Medical Scientific Group, which is a part of the Bruno Groening Circle of Friends. We have about 6000 medical professionals worldwide and we give these lectures in our leisure time. Many of these lectures are held at universities, even medical universities.
There is no incurable.
The basis of the lectures is the teaching of Bruno Groening, who lived in Germany from 1906-1959. In his lifetime, extraordinary healings occurred during his lectures, which gave him worldwide recognition. He spoke of a power that comes from God which can be easily absorbed by everyone. This divine power was referred to by Bruno Groening as the “healing stream” or the Heilstrom.

An extensive documentary film “The Phenomenon Bruno Gröning – On the Tracks of the Miracle Healer” about the life and work of Bruno Gröning will be shown in several American cities beginning in October 2010 through Spring, 2011. It has been translated into thirty languages and shown successfully worldwide. A German film team created this extensive film production for cinemas over a span of nine years. Thousands of actors, all extras, and most people involved in the production worked in their free time and without any payment. Using contemporary witnesses, original pictures and audio tapes as well as film scenes, the documentary allows a deep insight into the life and work of the most important healer of the last century. The film is shown on a donation basis.
Exact dates and a trailer for the film can be found in the internet under http://www.bruno-groening.org/english/film/defaultfilm.htm.
Please inform your friends and loved ones about this special event.
Yours sincerely,
G. Blättner, M.D.

More information:
Detailed information about the lectures:

Saturday, October 16, 2010, 7:00 pm
Perelman Quadrangle, University of Pennsylvania, Room Arch Crest, 3417 Spruce St.
PA 19104 Philadelphia
Saturday, October 16, 2010, 2:00 pm
Brandywine One Hundred Library 1300 Foulk Rd., DE 19803 Wilmington
Sunday, October 17, 2010, 3:00 pm
Temple University Harrisburg, Room 246/248, 234 Strawberry Square, 4th&Walnut Streets, PA 17101 Harrisburg
Speaker: Mr. Arends MD (GER)

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“Now is the time life begins
Take that simple path
And love will set you free
Live in harmony
And love will set you free”- “Be Still” -Dennis Wilson

What are Chakra’s? Chakra’s are energy centers that we have all over and around our bodies. They are spinning wheels that keep our center’s open and our energy flowing. This keeps us balanced and healthy. When our chakra’s are off- balanced or blocked we can have problems is our life. To keep it simple: we have seven main chakra’s on our physical body.

The 1st is our base chakra. It’s color is red and it represents  our physical world, our personality, self expression, security and survival. The 2nd is our Sacral Chakra. It’s color is orange and it represents sexual energy, creative and pure emotions, feelings. The 3rd is our Solar Plexus Chakra. It’s color is Yellow and it represents wishes, desires, this is where our personality is formed. This is also where the bridge between our higher and lower aspects of ourselves meet. The 4th is our Heart Chakra. It’s color is green and it represents our ability to love, and have an appreciation of art or music.This is also where healing is done. Our heart is the center of our body. It also is the 1st Spiritual Chakra. The 5th is our Throat Chakra. It’s color is blue and it represents our expression of laughter, speech, weeping. All sounds on both the physical and metaphysical levels. It allows us to express emotions and feelings. The 6th Chakra is our Third Eye. It’s color is Indigo and it connects us to Spirit and other worlds. It is God intuition. The 7th is our Crown Chakra. It’s color is Violet, White, Gold and it represents our connections to the Universe. It gives us guidance and knowledge beyond words or intellect.

What I am working to do is connecting and aligning our Chakra’s so that we can tap into our Divine Purpose and Guidance. That is why I try to incorporate Chakra balancing in my practice. This helps us understand our minds, our bodies and our souls. Eastern cultures treat our Spiritual body with our Physical body in the healing of illness and the Ancients treated our Spiritual body before the Physical body.  I just feel that illness and dis-ease starts as an emotion that can be address before we get sick. Use your inner guidance and see if this rings true for you.

Many Thanks To Geri Massott for writing this post …Geri and Rick Wood have joined forces and are opening The Wood Massott Holistic Center in June.

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Hi little girl, it’s me – don’t you know who I am?health
I met you last summer when I came up to stay with my Gram
I’m the guy-uy-uy who left you with tears in his eyes
You didn’t answer my letters, so I figured it was just a li-i-i-i-ie

“Girl Don’t Tell Me” – The Beach Boys

The health care debate has so many moving parts that it’s hard for anybody to keep them straight. So we decided to put together an overview of where we’re at—both good and bad—and what we’re all going to need to keep fighting for.

Neither of these bills is close to perfect. But we’re entering the home stretch where we risk losing a lot of what’s good in these bills and where we have a huge opportunity to strengthen the parts that need work.

Here’s where we are:

The House of Representatives passed their bill last month. The Senate is aiming to pass its version before Christmas.

Overall, both pieces of legislation would do four major things:

* Create a “Health Insurance Exchange.” The bills create a one-stop marketplace where people can choose from various insurance plans, including the public option. The details aren’t set yet, but initially the Exchange would likely be open to the self-employed, people without insurance at work, and small businesses.1 The key with the Exchange is that it brings “the bargaining power and scale that’s generally accessible only to large employers” to individuals—and with that, lower costs and better options.2

* Provide insurance to over 30 million more people. The House bill would expand coverage to 36 million people by 2019. The Senate bill extends coverage to 31 million.3

* Outlaw discrimination based on pre-existing conditions and gender. Insurance companies will have to stop denying coverage to people with “pre-existing conditions.” And they won’t be allowed to charge women more than men for the same coverage.4

* Eliminate coverage limits and price-gouging. The bills differ on some details, but in general would place limits on how much people have to pay for health care beyond their premiums. They both cap out-of-pocket costs and ban insurance companies from setting limits on how much health care they’ll cover for a person each year.5


Of course, the devil is in the details, and much in these bills still needs work.

Here’s what still needs to be fixed:

* Both bills leave millions uninsured. The House bill leaves 18 million without insurance in 2019; the Senate bill, 24 million. Neither comes close to the vision for universal coverage so many of us fought for for years. We’ll all need to fight to continue to expand coverage in the bills this year, and in the years to come.6

* The Senate public option is weak, and conservatives are pushing to make it weaker. The public option is a core piece of reform that will create real accountability and competition for private insurance—and that’s why it’s at the center of such a huge fight. While the House bill creates a national public option, the Senate lets states opt out, denying their residents access to it. Plus, conservatives are working to weaken it even more. We’re all going to have to fight hard for the strongest version possible.7

* Many reforms don’t start quickly enough. While some pieces of reform go into effect right away, the larger structural changes are not scheduled to go into effect until 2013 (House bill) or 2014 (Senate bill). This includes the Exchange, the public option, and subsidies—the major ways coverage will be expanded.8

* Required insurance could still be too expensive for many. Both bills require virtually all Americans to have insurance. But the caps on how much we’re expected to pay are way too high, and the subsidies are way too low. Many progressives are working to fix this, but it’s going to be a significant fight.9

* Reproductive rights are severely restricted in the House bill. An egregious anti-choice amendment in the bill virtually prohibits anyone purchasing insurance in the Exchange from buying a plan that covers abortion—even if paid for with their own money. We need to make sure the final bill doesn’t include this rollback of reproductive rights.10

* The Senate bill could discriminate against lower income workers. The current Senate legislation retains a version of what’s called the “free rider” provision, which essentially penalizes employers for hiring lower income workers. This provision needs to be fixed before the bill is finalized.11

There’s a lot going on in these bills, and we’re all going to need to be vigilant to ensure the good pieces end up in the final bill, and the bad ones are fixed. It’s going to be a rocky ride. But if we fight together, we’ll come out stronger in the end.


1. “A Health Insurance Exchange: The Fine Print,” The New York Times, August 20, 2009


“Health Reform at a Glance: The Health Insurance Exchange,” House Committees on Ways and Means, Energy and Commerce, and Education and Labor, July 14, 2009


2. “Health Insurance Exchanges: The Most Important, Undernoticed Part of Health Reform,” The Washington Post, June 16, 2009


3. “H.R. 3962, Affordable Health Care for America Act,” Congressional Budget Office, November 20, 2009


“Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act,” Congressional Budget Office, November 18, 2009


4. “Top 10 Ways Health Insurance Reform Works for You,” The Speaker of the House, October 29, 2009


“How Health Insurance Reform Will Help Your Family,” Senate Democratic Policy Committee


“Meeting Women’s Health Care Needs,” The Speaker of the House


“Reports on Health Insurance Reform—Women,” Senate Democratic Policy Committee


5. “Top 10 Ways Health Insurance Reform Works for You,” The Speaker of the House, October 29, 2009


“How Health Insurance Reform Will Help Your Family,” Senate Democratic Policy Committee


6. “H.R. 3962, Affordable Health Care for America Act,” Congressional Budget Office, November 20, 2009


“Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act,” Congressional Budget Office, November 18, 2009


“REPORT: How the Senate Bill Compares to Other Reform Legislation,” Think Progress, November 19, 2009


7. “Sen. Reid Announces ‘Opt Out’ Public Plan,” The New York Times, October 26, 2009


“Carper: Conservative Democrats Not Likely To Support Senate Public Option,” Talking Points Memo, November 17, 2009


8. “Top 14 Provisions That Take Effect Immediately,” The Speaker of the House


“What happens before 2014?” The Washington Post, November 19, 2009


“Senate, House Democratic health bills compared,” The Associated Press, November 18, 2009


9. “The Details of The New Merged Senate Bill,” Think Progress, November 18, 2009


“REPORT: How the Senate Bill Compares to Other Reform Legislation,” Think Progress, November 19, 2009


“Analysis: How the Senate health care bill stacks up with the House health care bill,” Think Progress, November 19, 2009


10. “The Ban on Abortion Coverage,” The New York Times, November 9, 2009

11. “The noxious ‘free rider’ provision,” The Washington Post, November 25, 2009


“Senate Health Bill Improves Employer Responsibility Provision,” Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, November 19, 2009


“The Baucus Bill: The Worst Policy in the Bill, and Possibly in the World,” The Washington Post, September 16, 2009


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tn_supe-vs-captmarvelThis is where the rubber meets the road. After months of delay, the full Senate is about to debate and vote on landmark health care legislation. But first, Senator Harry Reid and Democratic leaders have a big decision to make:

Will the Senate consider real health care reform with a public health insurance option, or a watered-down compromise full of giveaways to Big Insurance?

This is a hugely important decision. Progressive champions in Congress are standing strong for the public option and Sen. Reid himself has expressed support—but he’s under immense pressure from a few conservative obstructionists who oppose it.

We need to send a loud signal: If Sen. Reid leads on the public option, we’ll be there to get his back. Can you sign our petition asking him to include a strong public health insurance option in the Senate’s bill?

Clicking here will add your name:


The petition reads: “Senator Reid, real health care reform must include a strong public health insurance option. Please include the public option in the bill you bring to the Senate floor.”

The headlines today are about a flawed bill without a public option that a few conservative Democrats managed to push through the Senate Finance Committee.

But the overwhelming majority of Democrats in Congress continue to support the public option—as does President Obama, and two-thirds of the American public.1 And just last week 30 Democratic senators wrote to Sen. Reid urging him to include the public option.2

nvreidReid has been supportive: earlier this month, he said “I believe the public option is so vitally important to create a level playing field and prevent the insurance companies from taking advantage of us.”3

In other words, we’re closer than ever to winning real health care reform. But we’ve got to raise our voices now to make sure the public option gets through the Senate.

Click here to add your name to the petition:


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The health care debate is the biggest political story of the year.

But what the media and Congress seem to forget is that it’s not just about politics or policy minutiae. It’s about real people who are really suffering under our broken health care system—and can’t afford to wait any longer for real reform.

That’s why, today, MoveOn members are holding health care vigils across the country—including a virtual vigil online for those who can’t make it to an event. These are shaping up to be our biggest and most powerful events of the year.

Click here to look for a vigil near you tonight:


And all day today, we’re holding an online virtual vigil where you can read about other MoveOn members who can’t afford to wait, see their faces, and even hear their stories. Plus, you can add a candle to the online vigil for yourself or someone else you know.

Many of those who need health reform the most can’t make it out of the house to attend vigils in their communities. This virtual vigil is a place for everyone to meet up and share stories about why health care reform is so important.

Check out the virtual vigil by clicking here:


Hope you can join us at one or both events, and thanks again for all you do.

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I was making breakfast the other morning when the girls shuffled in asking “what are you cooking?”. rapa-scrappleScrapple, I thought that it would boost our immune systems against the swine flu“. Time passed. When I regained consciousness from that frying pan blow to the head, Sweetie whispered “there are better ways , read this……”

Will the swine flu get you?

I sure hope not … there are some steps you can take to help lower your risk.

A really easy one that I heard President Obama say last night on TV

WASH YOUR HANDS! And like I told my daughter, DON”T PUT YOUR HANDS IN YOUR MOUTH, NOSE, Or EYES! Easier said then done I know… you get an eyelash or something in your eye – that goes out the window unless you are very conscientious about it.

Mexico Swine FluPlenty of rest, eat healthy (omit sugar), drink plenty of water, and take quality supplements like KRILL OIL (for omega 3’s), and PROBIOTICS (for the ‘good’ gut flora which is a natural anti-viral)!

Sound familiar?  Same thing you hear when it is the winter ‘flu’ season.

If you’d rather not try the natural ways to avoid it and if you do end up with the Swine Flu – Plan on getting some Tamiflu?

Per Dr. Mercola’s article –

Remember, Tamiflu went through some rough times not too long ago, as the dangers of this drug came to light when, in 2007, the FDA finally began investigating some 1,800 adverse event reports related to the drug. Common side effects of Tamiflu include:

All in all, the very symptoms you”re trying to avoid.

More serious symptoms included convulsions, delirium or delusions, and 14 deaths in children and teens as a result of neuropsychiatric problems and brain infections (which led Japan to ban Tamiflu for children in 2007). And that”s for a drug that, when used as directed, only reduces the duration of influenza symptoms by 1 to 1 ½ days, according to the official data.

But making matters worse, some patients with influenza are at HIGHER risk for secondary bacterial infections when on Tamiflu. And secondary bacterial infections, as I mentioned earlier, was likely the REAL cause of the mass fatalities during the 1918 pandemic!

I think I’d rather try to avoid getting it if possible.jla

Hoping for a vaccine in the near future?  You might not ever want a flu vaccine again after you watch this!What Ingredients are in Your Flu Shot? You’ll Be Shocked!

So all this media coverage got me thinking… Where the heck did this come from?

Supposedly, they don’t know…. but the Health Freedom Alliance has stated –

“It appears this strain was created in a lab and “escaped.” Take necessary action now to boost your immune system.

Wondering more about this “escape” – I found more about this in Mercola’s special report –

The UN expert believes that Ebola, HIV/AIDS, and the current A-H1N1 swine flu virus are biological warfare agents.

In addition, Army criminal investigators are looking into the possibility that disease samples are missing from biolabs at Fort Detrick — the same Army research lab from which the 2001 anthrax strain was released, according to a recent article in the Fredrick News Post.13 In February, the top biodefense lab halted all its research into Ebola, anthrax, plague, and other diseases known as “select agents,” after they discovered virus samples that weren”t listed in its inventory and might have been switched with something else. (click here to ready the full theory.)

Wow, what a mess…

I’ll be ordering extra Vitamin C, Probiotics, and drinking a lot of water after washing my hands and not touching my face!

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Anna Lee, Anna Lee, the healer
Healer with the healing hands
Makes you well as quick as she can
You’d feel those healing hands
Of Anna Lee

When she gets a chance to help someone
She’s really happy
If you trust her with your ill
She’ll quickly make you see
She can fix things up for you

just like she did for me

“Anna Lee the Healer” – The Beach Boys
Many don’t know this but I have a Reiki Master Certification (RMT). I love Reiki, but the coaching and mediumship take up a lot of my time. I think it’s time to change some of that..but that’s for another post. I have worked with many Reiki practitioners but one of the most intuitive is Heather Nelson.

Heather first used her hands to heal when she was nine, placing them on her mother and brother and praying to relieve their pain – her mother from rheumatoid arthritis and her brother from cerebral palsy. She and her family were in awe of the intensity of the heat that radiated from her hands during these sessions. Heather knew from the beginning that this amazing power came from outside herself, and felt very blessed that she could access this healing energy for those she loved.

I have worked in tandem with Heather and this healer has “mucho” healing energy. Her guides definitively work thru her. If you have the chance, taking Reiki 1 or 2 from her will be a “guided” experience!

Heather will be holding classes in beautiful Sedona, Arizona, and will be teaching thisReiki weekend here on the weekend of October 25th and 26th. The teaching location is only two blocks from the Coconino National Forest.
  • Reiki I, Saturday October 25: An Introduction to Reiki. Learn what Reiki is and how to use it! This level teaches hands-on healing of the physical body and the properties of the major chakras. You receive a Reiki I attunement during this class, and get hands-on practice with your classmates. At the end of class, you will receive a Reiki I certificate. $100 for class, + $15 for class workbook; $50 deposit. Class size limit – 6. Time: 9:00 am – 5:00 pm; bring a lunch. (You can use her refrigerator.)
  • Reiki II, Sunday October 26: Further Reiki Study. Learn the first three Reiki symbols and how to use them. This level teaches healing of the emotional/mental body, deepens the training for healing the physical body, and teaches distant healing. Class discussion includes working with pets, following your intuition, and answering questions the students have about their own Reiki experiences. You receive a Reiki II attunement during this class, and get hands-on practice with your classmates.  At the end of class, you receive a Reiki II certificate. $200 for class, + $15 for class workbook (unless you already have the workbook); $100 deposit. Class size limit – 4. Time: 9:00 am – 6:00 pm; bring a lunch. (You can use my refrigerator.)

To reserve a space in either of these classes, please give Heather a call at (480) 282-7116, or email me at heather@heatherreiki.com. These classes will be a beautiful, healing experience among the red rocks of Sedona!

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Im gonna wake you up early
Cause Im gonna take a ride with you
Were going down to the honda shop
Ill tell you what were gonna do
Put on a ragged sweatshirt
Ill take you anywhere you want me to

“Little Honda”-The Beach Boys

I’ve a great friend over at http:www.creativechiropracticsolutions.com he’s decided to buy a moped. You gotta understand, Dr.Andy seemed like a truckdriving ,Spotted Owl shooting kind of guy. You know, the person who thinks recycling is using the same plastic cup at the keg party. I was dead wrong. Andy went out and bought a moped! This man has great waysof looking at being green. His philosphy is a simple one …goin green = great benefits. Health,financial and otherwise. Read on…..

Those that know me personally know that I recently purchased a scooter to do my daily running around to work and errands. It gets about 100 MPG and gets up to 50 mph. Not to mention that it is pretty fun to “scoot” around in. As I was filling up the tank today for the first time since I picked it up at Philadelphia Scooters on Passayunk (shameless plug) I topped off the tank at $3.55 with 91 Octane Premium gas. That was an incredibly awesome feeling so, I felt inspired to share with you MY true meaning of “going green.”

In the public eye, most people think it is trading in that Hummer for a Prius and getting a Hybrid. It should be more than that. Mainstream media and Big Corporations have dictated to the American Public that the bottom dollar is KING. They look to produce a high quality product and for the least amount of money to increase the profit. Save a penny by adding a preservative to the food to give it a longer shelf life, switching from a metal part to a plastic mold to raise profits 10 cents a unit, or by using harmful chemicals that are foreign to the body that produce the same effect to save on cost.

To truly go green, one should look at more than what kind of car they drive and actually start and look at their household products. What harmful chemicals are you putting on the surfaces of your kitchen counters? Can you even pronounce what is in these bottles let alone know what it actually does? Next, look at the food you consume. How many ingredients are in that cereal or condiment that you are using? Can you pronounce them? Does it contain man made chemicals or natural ingredients? Now onto the closet. What are your clothes made out of? Polyester? Cotton? Stop and take a moment to think what else you use in the day that is not natural to you or your body.

The big thing now is alternative fuels. What are you doing to help cut down on the astronomical consumption of energy in its various forms such as gas, electricity, fresh water? The more you use, it increases demand which in turn, increases cost. By turning out the lights an hour earlier and maybe using candles or even just only using the lights in the rooms you are in. Can you carpool with some friends from work to reduce the need to use gas? Can you take mass transit? Can you actually buy a more fuel efficient car or motor vehicle? Can you walk a little more to work? Pack a lunch? Do you need to leave and run 3 different errands instead of bundling it all together to save on gas? Over time, those pennies and small dollar amounts can add up. It could pay for that vacation for the family you wanted to do but could not afford it because of your normal less than calculated spending habits.

I live by a few simple rules when it comes to being a green minded person

  • If there are too many ingredients in my food, cleaning products, personal care products, I don’t use it
  • If I can’t pronounce what is in it, I don’t use it
  • If I don’t know how something works in my body or in my daily activities, I don’t use it or ingest it
  • If it came from the earth, It usually is ok.
  • Balance is Key to anything in life. Moderation is the Key

So, when you go about your day to day this week, think how you can personally help your environment and those around you as well as how you can help your internal environment by going “Green!”

Thank you for taking the time to read this. Have a healthy day!

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