
Posts Tagged ‘hope’

‎”The road to abundance is a happy one. If you’re not laughing pull the hell over…” -RW

Many years ago I was sitting in the back of a Greyhound bus on my way to Richmond, Virginia, to visit a friend.  At that point in my life, I was jobless as well as careless and felt that I’d pretty much lost everything.  All I had at that point was a copy of Norman Vincent Peale’s book “The Power of Positive Thinking”.  While reading the book I started to realize my thoughts were negative, needy and unfocused.  Most days they were, “Why isn’t this happening for me” or “I don’t have enough” and “Why does everybody else have more?”  My driver’s license said Rick, but it should have said VICTIM. It was everybody else’s fault.  It was my location.  It was my girlfriend.  It was my job.  It was my boss.  It was my cat (I’m so glad I got rid of that cat).  Reading the book helped me to see that my thoughts were the foundation of my life.  If my life sucked it was because I fundamentally believed it did.  If I said to myself, “I’m never going to find the right person,” that’s exactly what would happen.  Why am I always so bored?

The next day my car broke down.  I thought I was acknowledging reality, but it never occurred to me that I was creating that reality.  Slowly I started to turn my thoughts to ones of aspiration, abundance and joy.  As corny as this may sound I had to learn that happiness is the soil of any abundance garden and that I had to be happy before I could grow abundance, prosperity and joy. Not to mention it put me in a much better  mood.  Another lesson I had to learn was to allow others in my life to be as unhappy and nasty as they needed to be.  I didn’t have to participate with that bad behavior.  That didn’t mean I woke up in a good mood all of the time or that I didn’t ever get angry at myself.  But I committed to memory that in that moment maybe I needed to listen to a great song or watch a funny Youtube clip.  Whatever it would take to turn my attitude around is what I did.  Doing it on my own wasn’t going to work either. 

I decided to surround myself with people I wanted to emulate and that were happy with their lives.  Then I’d quite simply ask them how they did it.  People that are experiencing joy and abundance are usually very happy to share their story with you!  Many of them taught me to focus on how to do something instead of finding ways not to. My words had real power.  I have never forgotten that.   My old vocabulary consisted of words like can’t, don’t know and scared.  I have new words.  Will, show me the way and passion.

The true power of positive thinking has brought me to a place that, at one time, I thought I’d never get to.   G-R-A-T-I-T-U-D-E.  I am now grateful for it all – my mistakes, financial woes, and everything that brought me to this point.

From gratitude grows passion and with passion you can do ANYTHING!

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n1154225831_3406Amy Butler wrote an eye-opening post on the Devil and being Spiritual. She is definitely on to something…Fear is truly the enemy. How often has fear been my “devil”?

Thanks Amy you’ve given us much to talk and think about…

Thanks Amy for allowing me to pilfer your article

So.. although I would consider myself a very spiritual person… I’ve never been religious.

I was baptized in two different christian religions and made to attend church as a child – which was good.  I learned the bible teachings, different religious philosophies, and the ‘good’ and ‘bad’ aspects of religion. (which is a whole other post)

In a nutshell, I think religion can be a ‘good’ thing offering people peace, fellowship, and purpose.  But, for me, the ‘bad’ fear-based teachings that you must be ‘a good person’ or you will find yourself face to face with the DEVIL when you die was always a problem for me.mephistolover

Even as a young child it seemed backwards to teach love and acceptance for fear of hell.  Just never resonated with me.

So I chose as an adult to read about other religions and find what spirituality meant to me without participating in religion.  I found that unconditional love, acceptance, and non-judgment were the basics that made the most sense.  They feel good and right to me.

For me, I do believe that I have an obligation (mostly to myself and my evolvement) to strive to be a ‘good’ person.

Honesty, loyalty, unconditional acceptance, love, kindness, and giving are all words that I would hope one day would be words that those who knew me would use to describe who I was.

All of this I feel is important because of who I want to be not what I fear will happen to me if I do not.

I do not believe there is a separate entity named the ‘Devil’  although i do think the pain we may cause ourselves and others through unkind acts could be dark and painful, which could describe the despair we may feel.

I receive a daily email from Abraham-Hicks Publications.  They are excerpts from their teachings.  I was moved to share this as it seemed to sum up my underlying disbelief in a devil.

The “devil” is a fictional character made up (and perpetuated) by insecure humans who want to control other insecure humans. There’s a lot of power in fear, isn’t there? There shouldn’t be, because, really, what fear is, is power-less. If you understood Source, as we do, you would never fashion such fiction because there is only Well-Being that flows from that which is your Source.

Excerpted from the workshop in North Los Angeles, CA on Saturday, March 6th, 2004

Our Love,
Jerry and Esther

I found this very powerful.

I also was moved to look at fear as something that i do to myself to take my own power away.

Wow…. it takes one sentence to change a perspective.  It can be said a hundred different ways but maybe only one really makes it clear.  Writing is a beautiful thing.

Wishing you a wonderful day!

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So hard to answer future’s riddlegl
When ahead is seeming so far behind
So hard to laugh a child-like giggle
When the tears start to torture my mind
So hard to shed the life of before
To let my soul automatically soar

But I hit hard at the battle that’s confronting me, yeah
Knock down all the roadblocks a-stumbling me
Throw off all the shackles that are binding me down

Sew up the wounds of evolution
And the now starts to get in my way
So what if life’s a revelation
If the mind speaks of only today
So real, the pain growing in my soul
Of climbing up to reality’s goal

But I hit hard at the battle that’s confronting me, yeah
Knock down all the roaddblocks a-stumbling me
Throw off all the shackles that are binding me down

Long promised road
Trail starts at dawn
Carries on to the season’s ending
Long promised road
Flows to the source, gentle force, never ending, never ending

“Long Promised Road” – The Beach Boys

FEAR. The emotion that tears down our momentum. Makes us ill. It can rule our lives. Fear and its bastard cousin WORRY , have leeched my creativity like a ShamWow on a counter spill. When this happens I slow  my pace,talk to a friend, or watch something inspirational.

When I do this, I realize that my fear is a bold faced liar. It tells me I won’t have enough. I won’t love enough. I can’t live enough. My soul which runs on high octane faith, lets me know to quiet down . That solutions are already available. That tomorrow is a brand new day.

“That in every moment of our existence, we are in that field of all possibilities where we have access to an infinity of choices.” (Thank you Deepak and Facebook for that inspiring quote)
Today I will jump into this sea of choice. Heck,it might even be fun!
Neale Donald Walsch has a wonderful video on the emotion of fear. I hope it inspires you to unschackle yourself and know that what you need may be right behind you.

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Anna Lee, Anna Lee, the healer
Healer with the healing hands
Makes you well as quick as she can
You’d feel those healing hands
Of Anna Lee

When she gets a chance to help someone
She’s really happy
If you trust her with your ill
She’ll quickly make you see
She can fix things up for you

just like she did for me

“Anna Lee the Healer” – The Beach Boys
Many don’t know this but I have a Reiki Master Certification (RMT). I love Reiki, but the coaching and mediumship take up a lot of my time. I think it’s time to change some of that..but that’s for another post. I have worked with many Reiki practitioners but one of the most intuitive is Heather Nelson.

Heather first used her hands to heal when she was nine, placing them on her mother and brother and praying to relieve their pain – her mother from rheumatoid arthritis and her brother from cerebral palsy. She and her family were in awe of the intensity of the heat that radiated from her hands during these sessions. Heather knew from the beginning that this amazing power came from outside herself, and felt very blessed that she could access this healing energy for those she loved.

I have worked in tandem with Heather and this healer has “mucho” healing energy. Her guides definitively work thru her. If you have the chance, taking Reiki 1 or 2 from her will be a “guided” experience!

Heather will be holding classes in beautiful Sedona, Arizona, and will be teaching thisReiki weekend here on the weekend of October 25th and 26th. The teaching location is only two blocks from the Coconino National Forest.
  • Reiki I, Saturday October 25: An Introduction to Reiki. Learn what Reiki is and how to use it! This level teaches hands-on healing of the physical body and the properties of the major chakras. You receive a Reiki I attunement during this class, and get hands-on practice with your classmates. At the end of class, you will receive a Reiki I certificate. $100 for class, + $15 for class workbook; $50 deposit. Class size limit – 6. Time: 9:00 am – 5:00 pm; bring a lunch. (You can use her refrigerator.)
  • Reiki II, Sunday October 26: Further Reiki Study. Learn the first three Reiki symbols and how to use them. This level teaches healing of the emotional/mental body, deepens the training for healing the physical body, and teaches distant healing. Class discussion includes working with pets, following your intuition, and answering questions the students have about their own Reiki experiences. You receive a Reiki II attunement during this class, and get hands-on practice with your classmates.  At the end of class, you receive a Reiki II certificate. $200 for class, + $15 for class workbook (unless you already have the workbook); $100 deposit. Class size limit – 4. Time: 9:00 am – 6:00 pm; bring a lunch. (You can use my refrigerator.)

To reserve a space in either of these classes, please give Heather a call at (480) 282-7116, or email me at heather@heatherreiki.com. These classes will be a beautiful, healing experience among the red rocks of Sedona!

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Senator McCain if anything, is not a quitter. He may be down in the polls, but he’s not out. He has embraced his underdog image and now is trying to get the average joe out there to empathize with his cause. (Sorry Sarah Palin but “Joe Sixpack” is a little demeaning to me). Of course there is a poll discussing the “underdog” issue.

What say you? C’mon take the Poll….here is the link-


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Senator McCain if anything, is not a quitter. He may be down in the polls, but he’s not out. He has embraced his underdog image and now is trying to get the average joe out there to empathize with his cause. (Sorry Sarah Palin but “Joe Sixpack” is a little demeaning to me). Of course there is a poll discussing the “underdog” issue.

What say you? C’mon take the Poll….here is the link-


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My job has introduced me to many fascinating people. People with vision. Folks who truly want to bring forth change. Theresa Gartland is one of them. I met Theresa a few years ago at my office with a few of her friends. She had a warm, even angelic sweetness to her. I asked her what she was doing in her life. She responded ” I work as a teacher in L.A.”. I thought Santa Monica or something similar. “Where?” I asked. “Compton”. I looked at Theresa, she seemed to have more in common with suburbia than the inner city. I asked her why. She replied “I want to help”…straight and to the point. Her dream is to help others achieve their dreams.

Guiding Youth Toward a Hopeful Future

Theresa is now part of Urban Compass.

Urban Compass was formed in partnership with Verbum Dei High School and 112th Street Elementary School to combat poverty and violence and make a difference in the lives of children in Watts. Together they capture children
at a very volatile age and offer an alternative model for them: an environment that challenges our young people
to envision a rewarding future.

Urban Compass operates after school and summer programs at Verbum Dei High School to serve
students from 112th Street Elementary School and Sage Child Care Center. They provide tutoring
support, enrichment activities and field trips to keep the children engaged in a positive learning
experience – and off the streets.

Very important stuff. Giving kids the chance to enhance their lives in an environment that supports them.

In July, Urban Compass held a four-week summer camp for 15 students.
Participants and family members went on field trips each day; including
excursions to the Los Angeles Zoo, California Science Center, Hollywood
Bowl, and Cabrillo Aquarium.
The summer camp culminated at Mater Dei High
School, where Urban Compass participants spent a week with Mater Dei
students participating in academic, artistic, and athletic activities. This
program will be expanded next year to engage additional kids from Watts in
programs that keep them out of trouble through the summer months.

I am very supportive of this organization and the good they do. Volunteer opportunities are available for groups and individuals. In order to provide a stable presence in our participants’ lives, they ask that all volunteers commit to at least a semester of service (usually five months). Actual volunteer duties will be assigned in conjunction with interests and expertise. Ongoing training is provided. Background checks are required to work with children. For more information, please contact Urban Compass at (323) 383-7588.

Please feel free to donate online http://partners.guidestar.org/controller/searchResults.gs?action_donateReport=1&partner=networkforgood&ein=20-2438382

Thanks Theresa, for telling me about this wonderful non-profit. Keep up the good work!

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One of these guys is going to end up YOUR President of the United States! So many of us complain about what we DON’T want! This is a time to have a voice for what you DO want. If you are anti-war…. vote for the candidate who is pro-peace! If you want better healthcare reform vote for the person who wants affordable healthcare. The choice is up to you.

There are so many negative posts about Obama and McCain (some are downright nasty). It makes one want to walk away from the media B.S., have a Pop-Tart and a diet Faygo rather than vote.

This election has forced the Democrats and the Republicans to really listen to what the average person wants! Not just the select few (who usually decide these political outcomes).

There are some out there who believe the average American doesn’t have the political background to make a well-informed decision.  So read what you can, view what you can, read blogs, newspaper articles, watch the networks, CNN, MSNBC, & Fox News.

The political hierarchy is watching to see if the average American is concerned about this election, but lets take this one step further.  Folks, whenever you can, wherever you can, vote on the LOCAL level also.  Voting for representatives in your own community is just as important if not more than the big elections.

Young Americans, you could make or break this Presidential election.  You have a voice that will echo for decades to come.  So Register.  Vote.  Vote!

It is my hope that we have record turn outs for this election.  Pass it on.  Tell others to register now.

The positive aspect of any election is the right to be heard with your vote.

The more who vote the louder the voice!

P.S. my apologies to the makers of diet Faygo.

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One of these guys is going to end up YOUR President of the United States! So many of us complain about what we DON’T want! This is a time to have a voice for what you DO want. If you are anti-war…. vote for the candidate who is pro-peace! If you want better healthcare reform vote for the person who wants affordable healthcare. The choice is up to you.

There are so many negative posts about Obama and McCain (some are downright nasty). It makes one want to walk away from the media B.S., have a Pop-Tart and a diet Faygo rather than vote.

This election has forced the Democrats and the Republicans to really listen to what the average person wants! Not just the select few (who usually decide these political outcomes).

There are some out there who believe the average American doesn’t have the political background to make a well-informed decision.  So read what you can, view what you can, read blogs, newspaper articles, watch the networks, CNN, MSNBC, & Fox News.

The political hierarchy is watching to see if the average American is concerned about this election, but lets take this one step further.  Folks, whenever you can, wherever you can, vote on the LOCAL level also.  Voting for representatives in your own community is just as important if not more than the big elections.

Young Americans, you could make or break this Presidential election.  You have a voice that will echo for decades to come.  So Register.  Vote.  Vote!

It is my hope that we have record turn outs for this election.  Pass it on.  Tell others to register now.

The positive aspect of any election is the right to be heard with your vote.

The more who vote the louder the voice!

P.S. my apologies to the makers of diet Faygo.

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When my angel comes home
It’s been hell bein’ here alone
God tell me, why has she flown
So far away
I pray she won’t stay another day
I’ll be in heaven when my angel comes home
Please come home

“Angel Come Home”-The Beach Boys

I watched this and I stopped. There comes a time when all of us are changed by an event. Forever. Death creates situations that either turns families bitter or turns them into heroes. The Downings lost their twelve year old daughter to suicide and not in the ways that you may think…

The Downings are Heroes and I hope all of you who watch this clip spread the word in any way you can.

I want them to know that they’re not alone. That their angel is “home”.

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