
Posts Tagged ‘phoenix’

Facebookers have called for a day of sending love and light to the world. To take time to add something joyful to the world. Showing friends and strangers that love,peace, and laughter is contagious. Join. Spread the word. Spread the link –


There is so much worry and angst in the world lately. Economic and Geo-political events are trying to unravel our collective conscience of peace,harmony, and love. We are suggesting we can stem the tide through random acts of kindness, sending light, giving thanks, and praying for peace. Laugh. Sing. Dance. Create art. In every way we can. Let us use May 15th as a way to remind ourselves what the power of love and fun can do. Please share this with all your friends. Blog. Tweet. Sing.

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An Interview with Rick Wood and Melle Palmer– the Owners of the Brilliant New Website www.MyIntuitiveLifestyle.com.

                                                                                                By A.P. Morris



What is www.myintuitivelifestyle.com?

Rick:  “At first we wanted to describe it as an information collective, Melle came up with that name.  The word collective reminded me of big Russian peasants in a wheat field, so we decided to call it an ‘information cooperative.’  So we are going to stick with that until we actually find out what information cooperative  really means.”

Melle:  “Yes we like ‘information cooperative,’ because I hate the word directory.”

Why do you hate the word directory?

            Melle:  “Oh, because it reminds me of the 80’s.  Bad hair… big hair and big jewelry, when the internet first started and everything was a directory or a portal and I  just don’t like it.”

Ok, I think I forgot my original question.  Oh yeah, what is myintuitivelifestyle?

Rick:   “You should ask Melle. No, we are a cooperative of information about the holistic industry. It is a site that is designed for people to submit, rate & review their holistic businesses. Others can come in and rate & review & tweet. “

Melle:  “It is a great holistic community where people can come to find out about each other and make professional connections, rate and review services they’ve  received, and submit their own website, or you know hangout.”(Smile)

It seems that myintuitivelifestyle.com is for the holistic business.  Is it beneficial for the consumer as well?

Rick:  “Yes, because they can see the ratings and reviews of these practitioners and websites.”

Melle:  “Yes, It allows them to investigate businesses in a more comprehensive way.”

So what makes this website any different or better than any other directory or site like this out there?

Rick:  “The little tea cup with the leaf in it on the logo.”

Melle:  “I designed it so it’s not ugly.”

I agree they are great benefits … but why would a person want to take the time to add their business and website to myintuitivelifestyle?  What are they able to get with your site that may be better than another site?

            Melle:  “Well in a regular directory you can put in a link and a picture.  This has more of a community feel letting people interact with one another, investigate new businesses, and get more involved. You can add multiple photos, video, press releases, blogs and additional links.” 

Basically, it sounds like this allows you to have everything in one place.  So, what makes this better than is that you don’t have to link to your YouTube videos or to blogs, or press releases, you can put them all up in one place on myintuitivelifestyle?

            Rick:  “Yes.”

Melle:  “And it is all displayed in a professional and attractive manner.” (Smile)

What type of businesses can join www.myintuitivelifestyle.com?

Rick:  “As long they have a holistic slant.  You know anything from chiropractors, massage therapists, & spiritual authors to eco-friendly landscapers.  If you are in charge of making nuclear fuel rods, we probably wouldn’t let them on.”

Why is it beneficial for businesses to add themselves to this site?

Rick:  “As a holistic practitioner myself, this is a great way for someone starting out or ones that have been in business for years to have another avenue to get your site out there. It will get others to interact with your site and allow more people to see what you have to offer and spread it through the holistic internet                                  community.”

Is it easy or self-explanatory for someone to go and add their business to the site?  Do you want to give a brief overview of how it works?

            Rick:  “All you have to do is click ‘Add Listing’ in the top right hand corner, then follow the easy-to-use directions.”

Melle:  “First you have to get the mouse…put your hand on it.” (Laughter)

What made you create myintuitivelifestyle?  What was your inspiration?

Rick:  “Well, first of all, I liked the way Melle was able to take her website 1079creative and take something so utilitarian and turn it into something fun and easy to use.  Once I knew I had that, we put our minds together and created this. There was no site to go to where you could find businesses, look at their videos, press releases, blogs and rate & review them.”

Melle:  “I’ve found that there aren’t a lot of avenues for holistic practitioners to put out  information about themselves or for consumers to learn about holistic services.

Rick:  “This is a good way to help holistic practitioners market themselves.”

Anything else you’d like to add?

“It is our hope that myintuitivelifestyle helps the holistic practitioner share their talents and information.  Likewise, we hope that the consumer searching for holistic practitioners will find the information they are looking for.”  


Co-owners Rick Wood of www.RickyWood.net and Melle Palmer of www.1079creative.com  welcome you to submit your listings at www.myintuitivelifestyle.com

Interview by A.P. Morris www.1079creative.com

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I know so many people who think they can do it alone
They isolate their heads and stay in their safety zones..

“I Know There’s an Answer” -The Beach Boys

I have a holistic business and website. I am always looking for ways to get the word out on my business. Yoga studios, Reiki Masters, Acupuncturists, and organic cafes- we all go through trying to promote our businesses.

So when I find a way…I like to share it.

There is a new directory that allows holistic practitioners to list their websites for free! (Love that  word). MyIntuitiveLifestyle.com calls itself an Information Co-operative that ” allows businesses to promote,view, …and gather resources.Acupuncture, massage, venues to Feng Shui, this site allows you to share with the holistic consumer using press releases,video, and so much more.”

I have found vegan restaurants,organic farming, psychics, and eco-friendly investing on MIL. The best part is the ability to rate,review, and tweet for each individual listing.


MIL will add a you tube clip to your listing free. (You may have to email them the link).

Share this post with all your “holistic business” friends..I hope this helps promote your business!

Have a great successful day!




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I am that, thou art that, and all this is thatjoe-lobrutto
I am that, thou art that, all this is that
I am that, thou art that, all this is that
This is that

Daybreak and I take a glide
Into the pool of peace inside
(Two waves travel by)
To waves and I both travel by
(And that makes all the difference to me

“All This is That” – the Beach Boys

I’ve never met Joe LoBrutto Psychic Medium in person. A year ago, something told me I may be crossing paths with him and to be ready. So I got my baseball bat and waited. Then I realized that voice inside my head was telling that this was a good man and not to be frightened. Soon I would start to see his name at random events and times. The voices again were telling me to reach out to him, that he was on to something.  Big.  I went by his website and left a comment.

Since then, we have spoken many times and I have even been on his radio show.  It was great meeting and talking with another male intuitive, especially one with his heart in the heavens and his butt on the ground.

Joe said he had a book coming out and he would send me one.

I just received  “Is There More to Life Than What We Know?”. This book is more than a “How to”  (although there are excellent tips and exercises to improve intuition). The writings  are a platform for Joe’s ” Spirit Guides” to bring messages of hope and peace in a way that’s  beautifully easy to understand.


The world is changing and the story of this book is how to best prepare for the earthly and spiritual events ahead. These guides (my favorite is the humorous ,Celtic spirit named Patrick who teaches that laughter raises our vibrations) give us insight to heaven, life after death, angels, extraterrestrials, and Jesus. There is no doubt that LoBrutto has tapped into guidance greater than himself  and does a great job of  showing us the ups and downs of finding that guidance. The book is an enjoyable read…kind of like riding in the car with a friend while he tells stories of places you’ve never been and can’t wait to get there!

Thanks again Joe for my signed copy of the book. It now serves as an educational tome that I utilize with my clients. The book reminds me of how important trust is in this line of  work. I’m learning to trust my guides much more these days….

The book is available at Amazon.com

Here is a rare video of Joe in action…

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As a small business owner I need a variety of web/graphic/marketing things done. I had no idea where to start , mainly because I didn’t know ANYTHING  about this “stuff”. I didn’t want some design firm to speak jargon I didn’t understand and charge me prices I wouldn’t understand. I was reffered to a Canadian company called 1079 Creative Solutions. These ladies took the time and energy to completely explain everything I needed to know. From web design,content, logos,book covers (yep book covers),brochures, and video trailers, this company held my hand every step of the way. My business and rankings have grown…all this over the phone!  This is my way of saying thanks…

Ontario, Canada – October 26th, 2010 – Old fashion friendliness meets state-of-the-art design at 1079 Creative Solutions. Meet the design company of the future optimizing the best of both worlds –the fashion forward design skills typically found at the high-price-tag mega firms melded with the personalization, detail to attention, and hometown feel of a small local business.

1079 Creative Solutions, created by owner and head designer, Melle Palmer, opened its doors in 2006 under the premise that every idea, person, and creation is unique and should not only be celebrated, but marketed based on its individuality.

Continually capturing the essence of businesses and individuals from all walks of life, 1079 has risen significantly in the world of design over the past few years, receiving accolades and recognition by design critics and mentors in their field.

Although tripling its business in the last year and adding seven freelancers to its creative force, old fashioned philosophies still apply when you deal with this design firm. Palmer has insisted from the day she presented her first logo, that amazing customer service, dedication, and the constant pursuit of perfection would remain the cornerstone of her business.

Located in Ontario Canada, 1079 has known no bounds with attracting clientele. Since their launch, the firm has reached far beyond their local market, gaining a large and constantly expanding customer base in the USA and UK. They are always welcoming new clients and new projects, from all around the globe.

Marketing your business is the cornerstone of your success. Why not set your business apart with a unique and distinct design at a great price? Call Melle today to discuss your logo, branding, or web design needs!

Visit us online at http://www.1079creative.com.

Email: Melle@1079creative.com

Phone: 289-244-9494

Here is an example of the incredible video work they’ve done for Rick Wood Intuitive Life Coach.-RW




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Even though most folks intend to vote, lots never get around to it. So share this video with your friends—Olivia’s message will be customized just for them—to remind them exactly what’s at stake. Besides it’s a lot of fun!

Underneath the message is clear….VOTE !!


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‎”The road to abundance is a happy one. If you’re not laughing pull the hell over…” -RW

Many years ago I was sitting in the back of a Greyhound bus on my way to Richmond, Virginia, to visit a friend.  At that point in my life, I was jobless as well as careless and felt that I’d pretty much lost everything.  All I had at that point was a copy of Norman Vincent Peale’s book “The Power of Positive Thinking”.  While reading the book I started to realize my thoughts were negative, needy and unfocused.  Most days they were, “Why isn’t this happening for me” or “I don’t have enough” and “Why does everybody else have more?”  My driver’s license said Rick, but it should have said VICTIM. It was everybody else’s fault.  It was my location.  It was my girlfriend.  It was my job.  It was my boss.  It was my cat (I’m so glad I got rid of that cat).  Reading the book helped me to see that my thoughts were the foundation of my life.  If my life sucked it was because I fundamentally believed it did.  If I said to myself, “I’m never going to find the right person,” that’s exactly what would happen.  Why am I always so bored?

The next day my car broke down.  I thought I was acknowledging reality, but it never occurred to me that I was creating that reality.  Slowly I started to turn my thoughts to ones of aspiration, abundance and joy.  As corny as this may sound I had to learn that happiness is the soil of any abundance garden and that I had to be happy before I could grow abundance, prosperity and joy. Not to mention it put me in a much better  mood.  Another lesson I had to learn was to allow others in my life to be as unhappy and nasty as they needed to be.  I didn’t have to participate with that bad behavior.  That didn’t mean I woke up in a good mood all of the time or that I didn’t ever get angry at myself.  But I committed to memory that in that moment maybe I needed to listen to a great song or watch a funny Youtube clip.  Whatever it would take to turn my attitude around is what I did.  Doing it on my own wasn’t going to work either. 

I decided to surround myself with people I wanted to emulate and that were happy with their lives.  Then I’d quite simply ask them how they did it.  People that are experiencing joy and abundance are usually very happy to share their story with you!  Many of them taught me to focus on how to do something instead of finding ways not to. My words had real power.  I have never forgotten that.   My old vocabulary consisted of words like can’t, don’t know and scared.  I have new words.  Will, show me the way and passion.

The true power of positive thinking has brought me to a place that, at one time, I thought I’d never get to.   G-R-A-T-I-T-U-D-E.  I am now grateful for it all – my mistakes, financial woes, and everything that brought me to this point.

From gratitude grows passion and with passion you can do ANYTHING!

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Many think that Fox News Glenn Beck is untouchable. However, it looks like advertisers aren’t touching him either. Jim Edwards of  bnet has written an informative piece  on Beck’s loss of Ad revenue over the past year.

How long can you drive a car without gas? Read on….

Glenn Beck has lost half the TV audience for his Fox News Channel show, and 15 of his 27 current ad slots are taken either by house ads for News Corp. (NWS) properties or non-profit concerns. Taken together, it is likely that Fox has taken a huge financial hit from the advertiser boycott of Beck. More than 100 companies have said they will not advertise on Beck’s show after he said President Obama was “a racist,” and late compared the president to a Nazi.

There are two surprising things here: First, corporate America’s commercials have not slowly trickled back to Beck’s show now that the fuss has died down (the scandal broke nearly a year ago). And second, it’s also a testament to how stubborn the News Corp. management culture is: They just don’t give in, even though at this point standing by Beck must have cost them millions of dollars. Clearly, this is important to them.

On MediaMatters’ current ad roster for Beck:

  • Beck’s show had 27 ad slots in total.
  • Nine were “house” ads for other News properties, and thus did not generate revenue for News.
  • Six were ads for non-profit organizations, and were unlikely to have been sold at full price.

One of the remaining 12 fully paid ads was for Nestle (NESN.VX)’s Purina cat food. Nestle has previously said it supports the boycott and that its ads only appeared on Beck by mistake. That suggests Fox won’t get paid for running the spot; or that Nestle has caved; or — and this would be controversial — Fox is deliberately running ads from big corporations by “mistake” to make Beck look safe for other companies to return.

Such appearances are crucial. For some brands, the “environment” is as important as the gross ratings points. And the current ad environment on Beck is populated by C-list brands such as Zoosk.com, Hydroxatone, and Tax Masters.

At one time, the boycott seemed irrelevant because Beck had such a massive audience for his daytime show, 3 million people. Now he has only about 1.4 million, according to Nielsen. So the show’s financial troubles are compounded: In addition to not selling enough full-price inventory to fill out the show, each individual slot is worth less because it delivers fewer ratings points.

Why does News persist? Although Beck still gets nearly triple the viewers of his competitors, it is not likely that Fox is standing behind him for business reasons. It would be much more lucrative for CEO Rupert Murdoch to demand that Beck apologize and move on. Then Nestle et al. could come back and everything would return to normal. Rather, this is as another case in which News is cutting off its nose to spite its face. Murdoch believes Beck is “right,” and he seems to be insisting that he’s not going to let liberal boycotts or his sympathetic clients push him around.

News has a history of this: It engaged in a suicidal civil war over supermarket advertising that cost the company $500 million, and it still hasn’t settled the last of that litigation. The manager responsible for those losses — News America Marketing CEO and New York Post publisher Paul Carlucci — remains in his position as if he’d done nothing wrong.

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Healing. Energy. Hands. So many seek touch. We all need it. Then there are those who provide the type that heals. Julie Tereszcuk loves to provide that energy. She does by using  “Seimei” .

There are different types of “touch” healing modalities. Reiki being  the most common. Both have a Japanese origin. There is a subtle but important difference.

When doing Reiki, the practitioner is channeling universal energy into the charka to bring about balance. Seimei is the life force. Seimei practitioners connect to others vital life force and enhances it especially where it is stagnant.

Julie suffered from chronic sinus and ear infections throughout her childhood and into her adult life. Believing that this was ‘just the way it was,’ she tried to make the best of it and keep her health issues in check by taking five daily medications as well as receiving frequent rounds of antibiotics.

One day, Julie came across a Seimei demonstration and decided to give it a try — thinking what could it hurt? Amazed by the immediate relief from pain she experienced, Julie continued to receive regular sessions to address her chronic conditions.

Miraculously, Julie has only used antibiotics once in the last two years, and she no longer needs most of her daily medications. Today, Julie is healthier than she has been her entire life!

I asked Julie Tereszcuk why she wanted to practice seimei..

Seimei for me is a way of life. It gives me my greatest pleasure to help others feel better. From the time I was young I had always said that I wanted to be a nurse. This really did not make any kind of sense to me because I hate needles and blood, these things make me crawl out of my skin.  Then I was introduced to Seimei. After my first demo I knew this was why I was put on this earth.  I traveled to Japan to learn and attend classes with senior Seimei  directors. It changed my entire outlook on healing . For me my experience with Seimei is that of quantum leaps. Learning exponentially every time I use it.

Feel Free to Contact Julie to discuss your specific needs at 908-635-3836 or seimeijuls@aim.com.

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You know,you know you are
Be still and know you are
Your life is meant for joy
It’s all so deep within, oh

Your life is beautiful
A seed becomes a tree
A mountain into a sky
This life is meant to be, oh

“Be Still” – The Beach Boys

I don’t know about you, but when things aren’t going my way I try everything in my arsenal of self help; mantras, books, meditations, and affirmations. Usually they work, when they don’t I want to slam my forehead into my well used copy of the “The Secret.” It doesn’t occur to me that patience with myself is one of the most efficient paths to stress reduction that I know.

I am one of those people that believes that coming up with solutions is better than complaining and whining any time. My problem is that I don’t suffer well. I expect solutions to come instantaneously and the problem with that is I am really not listening.

God has a great way of answering questions, it is pretty simplistic. Yes, no, and wait. The last part is the toughest because it requires faith. Thinking positively is pretty useless without faith. My dog Angel has plenty of faith, she knows that when you say “treat” we’re going to give her a little snack. She doesn’t worry about what kind of snack or if it is a big enough snack. Me on the other hand, worries how many snacks, will I get enough snacks, and if they are organic. All that worrying has gotten me nowhere. My stepdaughter also has non-complicated tools for dealing with this type of stress, it is called play. Kids can find joy in staring at a bug, coloring a picture, or singing to themselves. In these moments Cassandra is the perfect picture of self-awareness and joy.

So for today, I think I will go have a snack and sing to myself ( I don’t care if the snack is organic).

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