
Archive for February, 2009

I am that, thou art that, and all this is thatjoe-lobrutto
I am that, thou art that, all this is that
I am that, thou art that, all this is that
This is that

Daybreak and I take a glide
Into the pool of peace inside
(Two waves travel by)
To waves and I both travel by
(And that makes all the difference to me

“All This is That” – the Beach Boys

I’ve never met Joe Lobrutto Psychic Medium in person. A year ago, something told me I may be crossing paths with him and to be ready. So I got my baseball bat and waited. Then I realized that voice inside my head was telling that this was a good man and not to be frightened. Soon I would start to see his name at random events and times. The voices again were telling me to reach out to him, that he was on to something.  Big.  I went by his website and left a comment.

Since then, we have spoken many times and I have even been on his radio show.  It was great meeting and talking with another male intuitive, especially one with his heart in the heavens and his butt on the ground.

Joe said he had a book coming out and he would send me one.

I just received  “Is There More to Life Than What We Know?”.  This book is more than a “How to”  (although there are excellent tips and exercises to improve intuition). The writings  are a platform for Joe’s ” Spirit Guides” to bring messages of hope and peace in a way thats  beautifully easy to understand.






The world is changing and the story of this book is how to best prepare for the earthly and spiritual events ahead. These guides (my favorite is the humorous ,celtic spirit named Patrick who teaches that laughter raises our vibrations) give us insight to heaven, life after death, angels, extraterrestrials, and Jesus. There is no doubt that LoBrutto has tapped into guidance greater than himself  and does a great job of  showing us the ups and downs of finding that guidance. The book is an enjoyable read…kind of like riding in the car with a friend while he tells stories of places you’ve never been and can’t wait to get there! 

Thanks again Joe for my signed copy of the book. It now serves as an educational tome that I utilize with my clients. The book reminds me of how important trust is in this line of  work. I’m learning to trust my guides much more these days….

The book is available thru Amazon.com

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I’m gonna be round my vegetables
I’m gonna chow down my vegetables
I love you most of all
My favorite vege-table

“Vegetables”- The Beach Boys

My work has me traveling a lot. When it comes to a proper diet, my brain would chose Jack in The Box over something healthy anytime. But eating crap all the time can make me sluggish,tired, and very cranky. I found that couple servings a day of a good greens powder brings me vitality and boosts my immunity. Amy Butler wrote a wonderful blog on the subject, read on…


Because Western diets that are typically high in meat [protein] and carbohydrate consumption are highly acidic [because acid is needed to break down proteins and carbohydrates]. Greens food are plant based so they help keep the body’s sensitive pH balance in an alkaline and healthy state.

Unless most of your diet consists of vegetables and fruits with an emphasis on eating them raw – you are probably lacking some of the nutrients your body wants!Vegetables

Less than 11 percent of all Americans meet the USDA minimum recommended guidelines for fruit and vegetable consumption.

With our hectic lives, it’s never easy to squeeze in all of those servings of fruits and vegetables, but getting balanced whole food nutrition is vital for optimal health!

Diets high in fruits and vegetables have been shown to reduce the risk of obesity and some chronic health diseases such as cardiovascular disease, cancer, and diabetes. Are you missing out on the health benefits of a nutritionally-rich diet?

It’s easy to increase your daily consumption of nutritious whole foods with our amazing Green Garden formula.


If you are looking for a raw vegetable blend to super-charge your diet look no further!

One of the best parts about Frequency Foods Green Garden Formula is that it comes in both powder & capsules!

There are quite a few Greens on the market – yet it is hard to find them in Capsule form for those who prefer it – especially kids!

Another reason you should choose Green Garden from Frequency Foods….

Green Garden contains NO fillers, flowing agents (many manufacturers use talcum powder…ugh!), and absolutely no synthetic additives or preservatives. All the raw materials used in Green Garden are analyzed for purity and vitality before AND AFTER manufacturing. The product quality is unsurpassed!

Why Not Give it a try – see how you feel!

To Your Health!


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