
Archive for December, 2007

amy-butler.jpgAmy Butler’s article on living day by day from http://www.rickywood.net/mindbodyspirit.html

Mind Body & Spirit

Nurturing each aspect of the mind, body, and spirit is essential to attaining personal fulfillment and happiness. It is very important to give attention to each area to obtain optimal results. When one is neglected it can impact the other two and ultimately throw off the delicate balance. Lets look at each individually and briefly discuss its importance.

First, the mind is like a sponge and it will develop according to the type of thoughts, feelings, and emotions it is presented with each day. Therefore, It is important to feed it positively in every way. Think only happy thoughts. It sounds much easier than it is as I’m sure you know. Avoid self-defeating talk such as: I can’t, I’m not good enough, I’ve never done it so I can’t, why even try, etc. Most of us as children heard the story about the little engine that could, “I think I can, I think I can.” If you think you can, you can. It’s that simple. Try it for a day a see how much of a difference it can make. You’ll be surprised! Allow only positive thoughts and words. No complaining, gossiping or negative self-talk. If something slips out, correct it immediately i.e. – “These pants make me look big. Replace with something positive such as, Wow my hair looks nice today.” We are what we manifest, so focus on the positive and take one step at a time towards the things you’d like to change.

The second aspect of importance to our well-being is the health of our bodies. We have all experienced sickness. At those times it is almost impossible to have positive thoughts and feel spiritually connected. Even when we are not “sick,” if our bodies are not at their healthiest, we are not going to be at our best; therefore, adversely affecting our mind and spirit. We all know that exercise is very important, yet we find excuses to avoid it. You do have time; you just have to make it a priority. Proper nutrition is also a necessity. Unfortunately, in today’s world it is difficult to eat on the run and get the nutrients we need. Optimally, we should eat whole grains, fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts, and seeds. For most of us, we need to supplement for numerous reasons. After years of nutritional education, I found a company that provides organic, whole-food products that maintain their life force, which ultimately provides the best and most complete absorption of key nutrients. Learn more at www.GreenLifesaver.net.

Lastly, and definitely not least is the spirit. For a lot of people it can be the most difficult because it is not what we consider a tangible part of us. This is something that is very personal and many choose to broach this part of themselves in different ways. What I do feel is important is that we don’t confuse religion with spirituality. Organized religion cannot replace our own personal spirituality. We should also keep in mind that the complexities of our spirits cannot be fully encompassed in any one religion. This does not mean that taking part in a religion is not helpful to our spirits; just keep in mind not to restrict yourself. My personal belief is that we as humans are all connected spiritually regardless of race, class, or religious affiliation and that we should give to others freely. When you help another you are helping yourself. It all comes full circle. Read, listen, and pray whether it be to God, your greatest good, deceased loved ones or to whomever you feel most comfortable. Listen, appreciate the small things, and be kind. Be grateful for all that you are, all that you have, and all that you can and will do for others. We are all here so our spirits can experience, learn, and mature. It is a beautiful and sacred experience, treat it as such and enjoy every moment you have.

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amy-butler.jpgAmy Butler’s article on living day by day from http://www.rickywood.net/mindbodyspirit.html

Mind Body & Spirit

Nurturing each aspect of the mind, body, and spirit is essential to attaining personal fulfillment and happiness. It is very important to give attention to each area to obtain optimal results. When one is neglected it can impact the other two and ultimately throw off the delicate balance. Lets look at each individually and briefly discuss its importance.

First, the mind is like a sponge and it will develop according to the type of thoughts, feelings, and emotions it is presented with each day. Therefore, It is important to feed it positively in every way. Think only happy thoughts. It sounds much easier than it is as I’m sure you know. Avoid self-defeating talk such as: I can’t, I’m not good enough, I’ve never done it so I can’t, why even try, etc. Most of us as children heard the story about the little engine that could, “I think I can, I think I can.” If you think you can, you can. It’s that simple. Try it for a day a see how much of a difference it can make. You’ll be surprised! Allow only positive thoughts and words. No complaining, gossiping or negative self-talk. If something slips out, correct it immediately i.e. – “These pants make me look big. Replace with something positive such as, Wow my hair looks nice today.” We are what we manifest, so focus on the positive and take one step at a time towards the things you’d like to change.

The second aspect of importance to our well-being is the health of our bodies. We have all experienced sickness. At those times it is almost impossible to have positive thoughts and feel spiritually connected. Even when we are not “sick,” if our bodies are not at their healthiest, we are not going to be at our best; therefore, adversely affecting our mind and spirit. We all know that exercise is very important, yet we find excuses to avoid it. You do have time; you just have to make it a priority. Proper nutrition is also a necessity. Unfortunately, in today’s world it is difficult to eat on the run and get the nutrients we need. Optimally, we should eat whole grains, fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts, and seeds. For most of us, we need to supplement for numerous reasons. After years of nutritional education, I found a company that provides organic, whole-food products that maintain their life force, which ultimately provides the best and most complete absorption of key nutrients. Learn more at www.GreenLifesaver.net.

Lastly, and definitely not least is the spirit. For a lot of people it can be the most difficult because it is not what we consider a tangible part of us. This is something that is very personal and many choose to broach this part of themselves in different ways. What I do feel is important is that we don’t confuse religion with spirituality. Organized religion cannot replace our own personal spirituality. We should also keep in mind that the complexities of our spirits cannot be fully encompassed in any one religion. This does not mean that taking part in a religion is not helpful to our spirits; just keep in mind not to restrict yourself. My personal belief is that we as humans are all connected spiritually regardless of race, class, or religious affiliation and that we should give to others freely. When you help another you are helping yourself. It all comes full circle. Read, listen, and pray whether it be to God, your greatest good, deceased loved ones or to whomever you feel most comfortable. Listen, appreciate the small things, and be kind. Be grateful for all that you are, all that you have, and all that you can and will do for others. We are all here so our spirits can experience, learn, and mature. It is a beautiful and sacred experience, treat it as such and enjoy every moment you have.

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2aqsa.jpgA man in Canada strangled his daughter to death for not wearing the appropriate religious garb…this makes me so angry! Religious belief is not an excuse for bad behavior..please read this http://fubarmedia.wordpress.com/2007/12/11/muslim-man-strangles-daughter-to-death-in-canada/ blog Pass the word and pray for this family’s healing.

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meditate-3 Psychic work involves picking up people’s “vibes” bad or good. When Brian Wilson wrote the song “Good Vibrations” he mentioned in a interview that many animals can pick up vibrations from humans…

Our dog”Angel” had dove into the trash for a little terrier garbage feast…she definitely picked up my vibe! She smelled like wet lettuce and old Doritos.

It reminds me of when I do a mediumship or psychic session with an angry or depressed spirit or client. Their gunk can get all over me.If I am not careful this negative energy can stick around for days. Like many mediums and energy workers I do try and protect myself thru prayer and light meditations. This helps but some of the basics still apply .

Water,water,water! I find that drinking good ol’ H2O really helps clear the body and rejuvenate it…try adding lemon to room temperature water drink at least 10 glasses daily. Remember that much water intake requires minerals so take em’ (I use Ultimate Minerals from http://www.greenlifesaver.net ). I also use Chandrika soap an ayurvedic soap that cleanses the spirit as well as the body (wash with the intent of cleaning the chakras top of the head on down ). Also avoid sugar! Sugar at times has been my crack of choice and like crack.. I end up like Chris Rock in the movie “New Jack City”. High amounts of sucrose,high fructose corn syrup, and brown sugar can really build yeast in your system and totally gunk your intution receptors .

Now I am going to say something that might piss of a lot of people! When you’re not feeling grounded after doing loads of energy work a glass of red wine and a steak really helps  reconnect with the body ( also eat organic meat and try an organic wine some are wonderful!)  From time to time I’ll add other pieces of info from other energy workers and place them on the blog …hope this was helpful ..if not at least maybe a chuckle.

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