
Posts Tagged ‘avondale’

(It has always been my belief that we are all connected. After receiving this from a recent client I thought it would be something to share.) -RW

If you had talked to me 10 years ago about past life regression I would have looked at you like you had 3 heads. What the heck is that?

Recently, I found out just “what it is” in a session that I thought was going to be just a reading/mediumship. Oh boy, did it get good.

So what the heck is it? Wikipedia says past life regression is a technique that uses hypnosis to recover what practitioners believe are memories of past lives or incarnations. Okay, so basically you get hypnotized and remember who you were before this life you’re living now. That’s just ridiculous…you can’t remember what happened 1000 years ago. Or is it ridiculous? Read on…

I arrive at Rick’s office for my session and we shoot the shit for about 10 minutes. Without warning he says, “Your friend Mike, did he have something wrong with his heart?” Why yes he did, in fact, that is precisely how he died. He was sort of on borrowed time having had trouble with his heart in the past. Mike was finally living his life the way he wanted, on the coast of California. Just when life seemed to be going so well for him, he suddenly passed away. “Mike’s here,” Rick said. That made me smile. I had been thinking of him constantly and he was showing up in my dreams. After reading “They’re Not Gone” by A.P. Morris, I knew that if you can’t get someone out of your head that has passed on they probably have a message for you. Needless to say, I wasn’t surprised to hear he was there and happy for his presence. Then Rick started saying more names of people that were coming through. Describing who they were and how they died. He told me it seemed like the spirits wanted to use me as a messenger. I’m no stranger to readings from Rick so I expected all of this, but what I didn’t expect was what happened next.

“How much coffee you had this morning,” Rick asked.

“Wow, that’s an off the wall question,” I thought to myself.

Happily I replied, “Only one cup.”

“Good, close your eyes and try to relax,” he said.

The next 35 minutes (which felt like 15) were amazing, interesting, enlightening, and above all, like a door way had just opened for me. Through guided meditation Rick brought me to my 21st birthday, then 16th birthday, then 10th, 3rd, 2nd and so on. We got to the day I was born where I saw myself being placed immediately on the left side of my mothers chest after birth. The doctor was at the foot of the bed and my father to her left (amazingly verifiable from my mother later that night). He took me back further and further. My body felt relaxed and motionless. I could hear Rick asking questions and I would immediately answer him like someone else was talking for me. There was virtually no thought in the things I was saying. The first thing that popped in my mind rolled off my tongue. Now I can’t remember everything (which is very common for hypnosis), but one of the things I do remember is seeing a man surrounded by fire and I was standing off to the side just watching. I felt like a little girl and he was my father.  As he asked more questions the answers came. One after another the information kept flowing with ease.

“What year is it?” he asked.

“1879,” I replied.

“Where are you?” he asked.

“Peru,” I replied.

I also remember saying things like “Knowledge is key” and “Learn love and joy.”

Now I hear Rick tapping one finger, then 2. My eyes slowly opening like they had been glued shut. I hear 3 fingers tapping, 4 fingers tapping, the sounds in the room, then bam…my eyes opened. Wow! That was fascinating! Rick and I sit for a moment and take time to process what had just occurred.

Throughout the session, I discovered that I am a “channel” and that is why Rick and I are together again. He’s helping to hone my intuition. Possibly that’s why so many spirits wanted me to be their messenger. People were coming through that I had no relation to and I couldn’t understand their messages. From reading A.P. Morris’ book I know that spirits tend to group together. If you have a connection with someone in this life, chances are you had a connection with them in another life. After having had a past life regression I am now more open to the connections I have with the people that surround me. Pondering if, how well, and how long I knew them before. Guess it could be hundreds or even thousands of years!

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“I’m a leaf on a windy day
Pretty soon I’ll be blown away
How long will the wind blow?” -“Til I Die” -The Beach Boys

If you or someone you love are grieving the loss of a loved one, this event may help.

Author A.P. Morris will be attending with copies of They’re Not Gone, a collection of stories that provide detailed accounts of 13 people who, through Psychic Medium Ricky Wood, reconnected with a loved one they lost. With names, phrases, mannerisms, and much more, Ricky delivers irrefutable evidence that our spirits are still very much alive after our physical death.

There will be numerous activities and resources available to assist you with your grieving process…

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If you should ever leave me
Though life would still go on believe me
The world could show nothing to me
So what good would living do me
God only knows what I’d be without you

“God Only Knows” -The Beach Boys

The following is from the A.P.Morris site “They’re Not Gone” . This is probably one of the most important sessions in my fifteen year history as a medium. Thank you Candace for the hope you bring everyday.

Grieving the death of a child is by far the worst pain a parent can feel. How can it NOT be? A parent’s first instinct is to protect their children.

Dealing with grief from losing a child can seem near impossible and for many, believing in an afterlife is the only thing that can help at all. It won’t take the pain away but for fleeting moments, knowing that their angel is in fact safe and happy, can provide small windows of peace.

Mathy Downing is a parent who has had to survive the unsurvivable — losing a child. At the tender age of 12 years old, her daughter Candace passed away. The most crippling and horrific part was that it could have been avoided.

For most of us growing up, we watched our parents put their trust in doctors. At that time, medications were more of a last resort for any problem or illness. Unfortunately, in the current times, pharmaceutical drugs are prescribed at an astronomical rate.

Sadly, Candace’s life was unfairly taken from her because she was a causality of this epidemic.

( “They’re Not Gone”, excerpt from Chapter 13 –An Angel Like No Other, pg. 194)

( excerpt of Mathy speaking to Psychic Medium, Ricky Wood about her daughter Candace )

“You’re right,” Mathy responded sadly. “She was not depressed, she was put on anti-depressants not for depression, but for anxiety, and she did take her own life.” Mathy already knew unequivocally that Candace was not depressed and that the drugs she was prescribed caused it. At that moment she felt understood watching Ricky’s reaction. After a roller coaster ride of medications, Candace met an untimely death.

Although Mathy already believed in the afterlife and our own innate ability to receive messages from our loved ones, Mathy was comforted by Ricky Wood’s ability to understand the absolute devastation that she felt. She was also amazed by his ability to ’see’ her at a future event and provide advice.

( “They’re Not Gone”, excerpt from Chapter 13 –An Angel Like No Other, pg. 195)

“Mathy,” Ricky continued, “I see you standing at a podium in front of hundreds of people. BE STRONG. You have to be strong because they want to see your tears.” Ricky continued adamantly, “You have got to be strong. You can’t cry in front of them because that is what they want to see.” Six months later, Mathy was standing at a podium in front of hundreds of people addressing the FDA. She stood tall and strong telling them,  on“I am not impressed with you sitting back in your ivory towers passing judgment on our children, and our children’s blood is your hands.” She did not cry. This statement was replayed in the New York Times, World News Tonight, Fox, MSNBC, and the Today Show. Even at a medical conference, the head speaker quoted her in discussing the corruption of the drug industry in marketing drugs, over medication in our society, and how they are being used to make a buck.

Mathy Downing and her family continue to tirelessly advocate for parents and children’s rights to be informed of the potential tragic side effects of medicating children. Their strength and determination will save countless lives– sparing others the unthinkable grief from losing a child .

The death of a child is unfair, excruciatingly painful, and will probably never completely leave you. But my hope is that you will find some peace knowing that the love you and your child share will never die. It can’t. Your child is a spirit who is still with you today.

They’re Not Gone.

Wishing You Love & Peace,

A.P. Morris    you can learn more on Candace’s story here


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“Now is the time life begins
Take that simple path
And love will set you free
Live in harmony
And love will set you free”- “Be Still” -Dennis Wilson

What are Chakra’s? Chakra’s are energy centers that we have all over and around our bodies. They are spinning wheels that keep our center’s open and our energy flowing. This keeps us balanced and healthy. When our chakra’s are off- balanced or blocked we can have problems is our life. To keep it simple: we have seven main chakra’s on our physical body.

The 1st is our base chakra. It’s color is red and it represents  our physical world, our personality, self expression, security and survival. The 2nd is our Sacral Chakra. It’s color is orange and it represents sexual energy, creative and pure emotions, feelings. The 3rd is our Solar Plexus Chakra. It’s color is Yellow and it represents wishes, desires, this is where our personality is formed. This is also where the bridge between our higher and lower aspects of ourselves meet. The 4th is our Heart Chakra. It’s color is green and it represents our ability to love, and have an appreciation of art or music.This is also where healing is done. Our heart is the center of our body. It also is the 1st Spiritual Chakra. The 5th is our Throat Chakra. It’s color is blue and it represents our expression of laughter, speech, weeping. All sounds on both the physical and metaphysical levels. It allows us to express emotions and feelings. The 6th Chakra is our Third Eye. It’s color is Indigo and it connects us to Spirit and other worlds. It is God intuition. The 7th is our Crown Chakra. It’s color is Violet, White, Gold and it represents our connections to the Universe. It gives us guidance and knowledge beyond words or intellect.

What I am working to do is connecting and aligning our Chakra’s so that we can tap into our Divine Purpose and Guidance. That is why I try to incorporate Chakra balancing in my practice. This helps us understand our minds, our bodies and our souls. Eastern cultures treat our Spiritual body with our Physical body in the healing of illness and the Ancients treated our Spiritual body before the Physical body.  I just feel that illness and dis-ease starts as an emotion that can be address before we get sick. Use your inner guidance and see if this rings true for you.

Many Thanks To Geri Massott for writing this post …Geri and Rick Wood have joined forces and are opening The Wood Massott Holistic Center in June.

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“It’s like I’m sailing on the oceanZauriel
Every time I see your eyes
You could be the wind that keeps me floating
I could be in heaven for all I know
Heaven’s a place for me to go
No one ever could have told me how
No one ever could have told me how
Heaven could be here on earth”

“Heaven” -Carl Wilson

Praise is something we all want and at the same time feel uncomfortable receiving. I recently was given praise in its highest form.

A book.

About the work I do.

I’m honored….

Author Sharing Hope for the Holidays with New Book titled They’re Not Gone.


Phoenixville, PA – November 10, 2009 – Author,  A.P. Morris, is releasing a non-fiction book, They’re Not Gone, to coincide with the holiday season.


cover_blogThey’re Not Gone shares stories of 13 people whose loved ones passed away and their eventual ‘reconnection’ through the assistance of local Psychic Medium, Ricky Wood. Each story contains ‘evidence’ that their spirits are still very much alive.  Wood delivers specifics from names and dates to mannerisms and jokes to verify the spirit who is communicating.

“I wanted to share my story to give others hope, especially during the holiday season when missing them can be even more difficult.  I am now 100% positive that our loved ones don’t vanish with death, they are still very much alive,” Morris said.

A.P. Morris’s story in the book tells of the loss of her brother to suicide when she was just 16 years old.  After hearing from him through Psychic medium Ricky Wood, her life was transformed. Ricky Wood referred to a nickname of her brother’s that she had never told a soul about, allowing her to know definitively that he was still ‘alive.’

“I spent so many holiday seasons sad and depressed because I missed my brother so desperately.  If I’d only known that he wasn’t just gone, I think it may have been a whole lot easier for me,” A.P. Morris, author, said.

Each story offers a different type of love, loss, and lesson. Whether you’ve lost a child, spouse, parent, or great friend, there is a relationship that everyone can relate with.  Following each story, there is a question and answer section where the reader gets to learn more about Ricky’s beliefs based on his years of experience working as a Psychic Medium.

“I’m very excited to have the opportunity to share some amazing true life stories.  The information contained in this book could change so many people’s lives.  I know – it changed mine,” Morris said.amy bw

A.P. Morris feels that it was easier for her to believe in the continued existence of our spirits after she received ‘proof.’  Her hope is that by sharing these stories it will bring peace to many people’s lives, especially during this holiday season.

On December 2, 2009 you can purchase a copy of the book “They’re Not Gone,” for just $16.95 by visiting www.Amazon.com or www.theyrenotgone.com .

Meet the Author – at the Holiday Bazaar at Phoenixville Middle School (hosted by the National Junior Honor Society) on Saturday December 12, 2009 from 10am – 3pm.

*A portion of the proceeds will be donated to a non-profit organization Urban Compass located in Southern California.  Urban Compass was formed in partnership with local schools to combat poverty and violence and make a difference in children’s lives by providing tutoring support, enrichment activities, and field trips to keep the children engaged in a positive learning experience and off the streets.

To learn more or donate directly you can go to www.urbancompass.org*

If you wish to contact A.P. Morris, you can email her at info@theyrenotgone.com.

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More Security and Stability

If You Have Health Insurance, the Obama Plan:

* Ends discrimination against people with pre-existing conditions.

* Limits premium discrimination based on gender and age.

* Prevents insurance companies from dropping coverage when people are sick and need it most.

* Caps out-of-pocket expenses so people don’t go broke when they get sick.

* Eliminates extra charges for preventive care like mammograms, flu shots and diabetes tests to improve health and save money.

* Protects Medicare for seniors.

* Eliminates the “donut-hole” gap in coverage for prescription drugs.

Quality, Affordable Choices

If You Don’t Have Insurance, the Obama Plan:

* Creates a new insurance marketplace — the Exchange — that allows people without insurance and small businesses to compare plans and buy insurance at competitive prices.

* Provides new tax credits to help people buy insurance.

* Provides small businesses tax credits and affordable options for covering employees.

* Offers a public health insurance option to provide the uninsured and those who can’t find affordable coverage with a real choice.

* Immediately offers new, low-cost coverage through a national “high risk” pool to protect people with preexisting conditions from financial ruin until the new Exchange is created.

Reins in the Cost of Health Care

For All Americans, the Obama Plan:WTF_Robot_Superman1

* Won’t add a dime to the deficit and is paid for upfront.

* Requires additional cuts if savings are not realized.

* Implements a number of delivery system reforms that begin to rein in health care costs and align incentives for hospitals, physicians, and others to improve quality.

* Creates an independent commission of doctors and medical experts to identify waste, fraud and abuse in the health care system.

* Orders immediate medical malpractice reform projects that could help doctors focus on putting their patients first, not on practicing defensive medicine.

* Requires large employers to cover their employees and individuals who can afford it to buy insurance so everyone shares in the responsibility of reform.

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‘I was lyin’ in my room and the news came on t.v.superman2
A lotta people out there hurtin’ and it really scares me

Hey love and mercy that’s what you need tonight
So, love and mercy to you and your friends tonight…”

“Love and Mercy”- Brian Wilson

Did you see today’s breaking news? A former health insurance executive just went on record saying that right-wing mobs at town halls are the result of “stealth efforts by health insurance companies.”1 And The Huffington Post reports that dirty energy companies are helping bankroll the mobs.2

It’s infuriating—but the good news is that everyday folks are fighting back. And the great news is that we’re making strides. In city after city, MoveOn Councils are proving to the media that the vast majority of Americans support the change agenda that President Obama ran on.

As we ramp up our “Real Voices for Change” campaign, here are some recent inspiring stories from MoveOn Councils around the country:

* We’re keeping it positive. At a town hall in Charlottesville, Virginia, national media were expecting a hostile and extremist crowd—but Rep. Tom Perriello was met by a large and very friendly group. NBC reported, for the most part the crowd was subdued and in support of reforming the system.3 An event with Rep. Joe Sestak in Philadelphia, where the local MoveOn Council helped to turn people out, was “overwhelmingly civil.”4 In Denver, at a high-profile event with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, a few right-wing protesters compared President Obama to Hitler—but progressive protesters vastly outnumbered them.5

ReaganAndSuperman* We’re making direct contact with decision-makers. At a Jobs Fair in northwest Indiana, Council Coordinator David Lambeth handed a flyer supporting a REAL public option directly to Senator Evan Bayh—a key vote on health care reform—and had a quick conversation with him. The Council had organized a flyering event at that Jobs Fair precisely to create such a face-to-face opportunity.

* The media is taking notice. Our signs and footage from MoveOn events are all over the news, including several national spots on MSNBC and NBC Nightly News (one of the most-watched shows on TV). And in one wild moment, conservative Tom Tancredo—a former Colorado congressman—actually waved a MoveOn health care sign on MSNBC!

* We’re getting good responses from members of Congress—even in “red” states. In Johnson County, KS, the Council organized a “honk and wave” outside of Rep. Dennis Moore’s office. (Rep. Moore is a “blue dog” who supports the public option.) As Organizer Ian Rogers reported:

Despite some right-wing protesters who showed up and tried to disrupt the event, the members stayed strong and their efforts paid off. About twenty minutes after the right-wing protesters showed, Rep. Moore himself drove by theheathcareprotest2 honk and wave. He honked, the tea-baggers booed, and Moore gave the thumbs up to our people and honked again.

Thank you so much for all you’re doing to push back against the misconception that right-wing extremists speak for all of us. And there’s much more to do in the weeks ahead—keep it up.


1. “Former exec: Insurers fomenting town hall chaos,” The Hill, August 12, 2009


2. “Townhall Mobs—Brought to you by Big Oil and Dirty Coal,” The Huffington Post, August 7, 2009


3. “Tom in Your Town Hits Charlottesville,” NBC, August 11, 2009


4. “Sestak health-care meeting a spoonful of sugar,” Philadelphia Enquirer, August 13, 2009


5. Pelosi Protesters, Including Kid In Stroller, Compare Obama to Hitler, The Huffington Post, August 8, 2009


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Listen to the boys loud and clearvote-for-barack-obama
Come on folks withstand you fears
Sail away the choice is yours you choose
Celebrate the news
There ain’t no blues
Come on, come on, come on

“Celebrate the News” – The Beach Boys

Are you happy with the current administration? Would you rather move to Finland and open a hotdog stand? Do you think Congress needs a sign language interpreter? Is Hillary helping our foreign policy? Are Republicans making us aware or they just whining?

Is President Obama doing a good job?

tn_CNN-logoNow is your chance to grade the Obama Administration and Congress on how its handled the second 100 days in office.
Vote now on CNN.com, and then tune in to CNN TV on August 6, 2009 at 8p ET for the final grades.


or if you’re on Facebook vote here-


Either you believe there is light at the end of the tunnel or you believe the hammer and sickle is the new fashion statement…captain_america

So vote, voice your opinion!

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And I can breakaway to the better life
Where the shackles never hold me down
I’m gonna make a way for each happy day
As my life turns around…

“Breakaway”- The Beach Boys

Last week, Republican Senator Jim DeMint made it pretty clear why the opponents of health care reform are fighting so hard. As he told a special interest attack group, “If we’re able to stop Obama on this, it will be his Waterloo. It will break him.” Here’s how the President responded:

Think about that. This isn’t about me. This isn’t about politics. This is about a health care system that is breaking America’s families, breaking America’s businesses and breaking America’s economy. And we can’t afford the politics of delay and defeat when it comes to health care. Not this time, not now. There are too many lives and livelihoods at stake.

With Congress only days away from finalizing their plans for reform, it’s time to stand up with the President and fight back against this disastrous brand of old-style politics. So we need as many people as possible to publicly support the President’s principles for health care reform and call on Congress to act.

Before the first full votes in Congress, we’ll publish the signatures in newspaper ads across the nation, to make sure your voice is heard.

Watch President Obama’s full response, then add your name in support of reform. Or if you’ve already signed, please forward this message to every one of your friends and neighbors so they can join you.

Sign the declaration-


The President is more dedicated than ever to passing health care reform that satisfies the three requirements he’s been talking about for months: Health care reform must reduce costs, guarantee choice — including the choice of a strong public insurance option — and ensure all Americans have quality, affordable health care.

If we do not reform our broken health care system this year, we will only shackle future generations with spiraling costs and deteriorating care. The cost of inaction is simply more than this country can afford.

50065But the special interests who profit from the status quo won’t go down without a fight. The ads, the smears, and the attacks — targeting both President Obama and members of Congress who support reform — will only get worse. So it’s crucial that we show huge backing before Congress finalizes their plans this month.

Stand with President Obama on health care reform:


Thanks for standing up for change.

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marvel_prezFacebook has so many members. There are enough quizzes and polls to give the average joe a mild seizure. “What’s your favorite color?”, “What are your favorite dog breeds” or ” What is your favorite breakfast meat?”. With over 120 million registered members, a Facebook poll on Obama would be quite interesting.

So Facebook members why not take the poll? Doesn’t matter whether you’re Democrat,Republican, or French. The numbers so far today are pretty split. Might not be completely scientific but what the heck, it might be a fun summertime distraction!

Just follow the link and vote. Your country and Facebook thank you!


There is even a comment section if you want to explain your vote!Spider-Man_and_Obama_thumb

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