
Posts Tagged ‘internet’

Its no secret. Everyone wants more “likes” on Fan Pages on Facebook. New followers on Twitter ? Gotta have ’em! There is a new site opening called Myintuitivelifestyle.com launching March 15th. The site was developed so that holistic folks (Yoga,Massage,vegan,organic,Acupuncture,Reiki and the like) could promote their businesses and events easily and cheaply. Press releases and Youtube clips can be added to each entry when you join.

Think of  it as an “Information Co-operative”..

One of the designers of this web directory (of sorts) told me she is including an “Our Favorite Fan Pages” and “Our Favorite Twitterers” sections to MyIntuitiveLifestyle.com.

MIL will take FanPage links and Twitter links for free till  April 15th ! This is the first blogpost on this very cool chance to rev up some fans on your pages.

There are two ways to submit:

Email bchboy@rickywood.net  (I will forward the links to MIL)  OR

click on their Fanpage

Myintuitivelifestyle has final say on who they will accept but hey, it’s free !

This offer ends April 15th. (I don’t exactly how many they are accepting but she says “a shitload”)

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There aren’t too many males that work in the my field …so it’s always great to meet another male Psychic Medium. Joe LoBrutto http://www.psychicmediumjoseph.com is a very talented medium and hosts his own internet radio show “Journey of Life”. Yours truly will be appearing this Thursday at 6:00 pm EST. It should be fun. Please make sure to call in… I may do a little “live” work! These shows always prove to be very interesting! Hear you there!

This is the link


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There aren’t too many males that work in the my field …so it’s always great to meet another male Psychic Medium. Joe LoBrutto http://www.psychicmediumjoseph.com is a very talented medium and hosts his own internet radio show “Journey of Life”. Yours truly will be appearing this Thursday at 6:00 pm EST. It should be fun. Please make sure to call in… I may do a little “live” work! These shows always prove to be very interesting! Hear you there!

This is the link


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For those of you who don’t watch Oprah, her show yesterday was mind blowing.  I’m still nauseous and shocked.  I, as you probably do too, know that there are pedophiles preying on children.  I didn’t know how wide spread it was – probably because it isn’t talked about much.

Oprah prefaced the show by saying “What you are going to see is going to shock you to the core, but I’m asking you to please don’t turn away,” Oprah says, “because this is happening in our country to our children in the United States every day.”

Look at this picture of Oprah standing in front of a map where each red dot signifies a pedophile who is online viewing and committing crimes:

The map behind Oprah shows how quickly one pornographic image of a child being molested can spread. It starts with the large red dot from a computer in Washington, D.C. Within 24 hours, it has spread all across the United States—from coast to coast and north to south. “This is just an average day in America—24 hours,” Oprah says.

Now if this wasn’t bothersome enough to see how wide spread just the internet pedophiles are (keeping in mind that there are still plenty of people out there who don’t embrace technology) then the viewers heard “We’re seeing sexual abuse including oral penetration, vaginal, anal penetration,” says Michelle, another analyst. “We see children with dog collars on their necks. Kids with plastic bags over their heads. Foreign object insertion with these children.”

And they are filming this and sharing it with there network of sickos via the internet.

We also heard that these assaults are happening to younger and younger children because they can’t tell.

I couldn’t believe my ears but Yes – they are doing this to babies!

Still seared in my head from they show – they said that on videos you heard a baby giggle and gurgling and then it turns to a screaming cry because they are being hurt – I couldn’t hold back the tears. 

I am appalled that in this day and age of technology that these filthy predators are able to commit these heinous crimes with technology but we are not stopping them?  Why?

I learned that –

The Internet can sometimes seem like the Wild West for child predators—a place that largely operates outside the law. While trading in pedophile pornography is illegal, lack of adequate funding means law enforcement officials are able to investigate just 2 percent of their leads. And, according to Interpol statistics, only one-half of 1 percent are ever prosecuted.

It is so angering that the US spends money on so many useless things and lack of money is why these scum can still hurt innocent children.

So what can we do to help these children and change this?

Help Pass Senate Bill 1738—The PROTECT Our Children Act

Hundreds of thousands of children are victims of sexual abuse each year. Due to the sheer lack of resources, law enforcement is unable to follow up on the majority of leads they have.

The PROTECT Our Children Act will:

  • Authorize over $320 million over the next five years in desperately needed funding for law enforcement to investigate child exploitation.
  • Mandate that child rescue be a top priority for law enforcement receiving federal funding.
  • Allocate funds for high-tech computer software that can track down Internet predators.

Act Now!
Your U.S. senators will be voting on the bill soon, so it is crucial you contact them immediately.
Go to www.senate.gov to find contact information for the senators in your state. Search for your senator by name or state by clicking on the arrow from either dropdown menu. Contact information is provided here. To send an e-mail, click on “Web Form” below his or her name, and e-mail your letter to make a difference!

Call Your Senators
If you choose to contact your senators by phone, be sure to tell them, “Vote yes on Senate Bill 1738—The PROTECT Our Children Act.”

Write to Your Senators
If you choose to write a letter, fax, telegram or e-mail, you may use the following sample letter—and modify it how you see fit.

Dear Senator:

I know that you believe, like I do, that we must do everything possible to protect children from sexual predators. That is why I am asking for your help.

Last year alone, U.S. law enforcement identified over 300,000 criminals who were trafficking in movies and pictures of young children being raped and tortured. Experts say that one in every three of these criminals has local child victims. Child pornography trafficking over the Internet has given us a trail of evidence that leads straight to their doorsteps, but the vast majority of these children will never be rescued because investigators are overwhelmed, outnumbered and underfunded.

As your constituent, I urge you to do everything in your power to pass the PROTECT Our Children Act (S. 1738, Biden-Hatch). This bipartisan legislation passed the House 415-2, but it is now the victim of petty partisan politics.

Now that we know where these children are and how to protect them, there is no excuse for the Senate to fail to take action this session.

(Your name here)

Instructions for How to Copy and Paste the Letter
To copy and paste the letter into your senator’s web form at www.senate.gov, point your mouse arrow at the beginning of the text that you want to copy. Click your left mouse button and hold it down. While holding the left mouse button, drag your arrow to the end of the text that you want to copy. Release the button. The text should be highlighted. Place your mouse arrow over the highlighted text, click your right mouse button once and let go. A new menu should appear. Select Copy from the drop down menu. When you get to the message form field for your senator at www.senate.gov, point your arrow at the beginning of the message field that you want to copy your text to and right click with your mouse. Click Paste from this menu. Submit your form and help our children!


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