
Posts Tagged ‘independents’

A lot of money and a lot of time. Obama’s campaign is pulling out the stops in a closing arguement to the country. Is it worth it? Is it just icing on a very publicized cake?

Obama’s team bought time on CBS, NBC and Fox for about $1 million per network and reach a television audience of millions.

The spot airs at 8 p.m. EDT. So no worries World Series Fans!

Well what do you think?

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A lot of money and a lot of time. Obama’s campaign is pulling out the stops in a closing arguement to the country. Is it worth it? Is it just icing on a very publicized cake?

Obama’s team bought time on CBS, NBC and Fox for about $1 million per network and reach a television audience of millions.

The spot airs at 8 p.m. EDT. So no worries World Series Fans!

Well what do you think?

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Just got this email. Very entertaining and well done. You can also customize it so your friends can see their names embedded in the video! It’s from a Pro-Obama site (I haven’t seen anything like this for McCain), and it’s very easy to use. This is what your outgoing email will say...

Your friend [Your Name] sent you the following video from CNNBC: “Obama’s Loss Traced To [Their Name]”

Watch it here:


– [Your Name]

And don’t worry—after they send out the link to the video, they won’t email your friends again. And never sell or distribute your email address or your friends’ email addresses.

here’s the link:


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The second debate is over. Obama still has a lead. Some swing states are up for grabs. The economy has become the number one issue in this country. Followed by healthcare. The only way to steer people away from those topics is to serve some good ol’ fashioned fear.

I guess all the stops are coming out. The flood of political “hearsay” will be deep. There was a time when I had admiration for Senator McCain, most of it before this election. I’ve seen you reach across the partisan  aisle and try to involve both sides. You were good at that. 

Then you chose Sarah Palin to be your running mate. I think you didn’t really want her, but you thought she would be the right choice for votes. That choice is coming to haunt you. I believe that’s when you switched your tactics to fear. 

Fear, I believe is lack of focus. It is a distraction. When Obama’s staff started to focus on words like “hope” and “change” there was a new energy injected into the 2008 election. A positive energy and something to emulate.

Using Obama’s middle name “Hussein” doesn’t frighten me. The fact that he’s multi-racial doesn’t bother me. I’m not looking to be frightened . I am looking to be convinced. Senator McCain if you have healthcare reform that will allow a diabetic or someone with a prexisting condition to get affordable healthcare, I’m all ears. When your focus is on alternative fuel solutions and walking away from Mideast Oil. Please tell me.

But when the going gets tough and all I hear from your camp is that somehow  Ayers was in cahoots with Obama doing god knows what , it sounds negative and desperate.

Stop telling me what Obama can’t do. Tell me what you’re going to do. Show me how deregulation is going to help the economy…most of us think that’s how we got in this mess to begin with. Obama’s message that we should be examples of promoting change is a good one. That message is a positive one. I’m a moderate that wants to see what’s right with our country. Our people. It’s the reason I no longer watch FOX NEWS. I will be watching next week… convince me.

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I was waking up from a cable news stupor the other day with the remote in my hand flipping back and forth between Fox News and MSNBC.  It was Obama this, McCain that, Obama this, MCain that. And what I started to notice was that the McCain campaign seemed to be defending it’s position and the Obama campaign seemed to be promoting it’s position. Most of you that know me know that I’m and advocate for positive thinking, or at least promoting what you want instead of what you don’t want.  Don’t get me wrong, I’m not anti-McCain, I believe in his own way he can be a very independent thinker, but to focus on everything that Obama doesn’t have or couldn’t do seems to take away from any message that  he’s really trying to promote. I believe that is part of the reason Hillary lost the democratic nomination.  She focused more on what she didn’t want instead of what she wanted.  I appreciate Obama for trying to keep a more positive message. Change is a positive message. Keeping things the status quo is non-energetic, even malignant.  It’s my hope that McCain would stop focusing on Obama’s weaknesses and rather focus on his own strengths. I think a lot of this has to do with the fact that Obama seems to attract a lot of younger voters. The younger voters seem to be more up-beat, positive, happier and full of hope. That my friends, is contagious.

You may not believe me when I say this, I used to be an avid Fox News viewer from Steve Doocey to Sean Hannity. I’ve noticed over the last couple of months that I seem to hear or see is an anti-Obama message and I believe that doesn’t help McCain at all.  I think the media forgets that we no longer are as stupid as we were in the ’70s and ’80s. Most of us are able to make are own decisions.  Like attracts like. For the first time since I can remember, the American populace has a more positive vent in this election process than ever before. If Obama can still surf the wave of positivity he will be the next president of the United States. If John McCain can grab a board and ride the same wave then it’s up for grabs. This is an overall general feeling. Both sides have their pros and cons, but for right now it looks as if Barack has been focusing more on the pros.

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